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Interview tips when appearing for QA roles

Hello Peeps, I hope you are all doing good. Software job trends are changing frequently. To match that, the expectations for Software Testers and Quality Assurance (QA) roles are also changing. Most organizations realized the importance of software testing and the testers. In this era, testing is also evolving to a greater extent. Also, testers are involved in multiple software development phases due to the influence of Agile methodology.

Deploy to Step Changes  Bitrise Feature Updates

The recently released 2.0.7 version for the “Deploy to - Apps, Logs, Artifacts” Step switched storing artifacts from AWS S3 to Google Cloud Storage, which means improvements in speed, especially for testing and deployment. For getting these improvements, please make sure you are using version 2.0.7 (or above) for the “Deploy to - Apps, Logs, Artifacts” Step. We suggest locking the Step to the 2.x.x version as soon as possible to gain speed improvements instantly.

Updating your dependencies for M1 Macs and CI/CD

TL;DR: This article covers how to update dependencies for Homebrew, CocoaPods, Carthage, Ruby, and more if you are using M1 Macs. However, for the M1 Mac minis available on Codemagic, you don’t have to do anything described in this article — everything is already preinstalled and preconfigured, so you can just use them right away.

5G - Myths vs Realities

So, in the end, it is not necessarily a matter of the myths vs realities of 5G – it is more about the timing. Everything we are hearing about 5G and the promise it holds is true. It will all just take more time for reality to catch up to the hype. And with that, we are encouraging all our clients that while they should not be stressed, they should certainly have their eyes wide open about how 5G will come into play, says Chris Manuel, Vice President, Cigniti Technologies.