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NASA's 10 Rules for Developing Safety-Critical Code

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Laboratory for Reliable Software developed a set of code guidelines for developing safety-critical code. The NASA's 10 rules are intended to eliminate C coding practices that make it difficult to review or properly analyze with static analysis tools. Enforce NASA's 10 Rules With Klocwork.

What is OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)?

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a computing technology through which users can extract and query data to analyze it from different points of view. These typically high-speed and complex queries are performed on massive data volumes stored in a data lake, data warehouse, or other large-scale repositories. Typical OLAP applications include business intelligence (BI) and forecasting and reporting.

Enhanced Security, More Control with GitHub App

Blog post summary: We have a new, improved way to integrate with GitHub using a GitHub App. It offers a more secure connection and granular control of which repositories Bitrise can access. Full integration with GitHub Checks allows developers to quickly identify if their changes have broken any existing functionality, improving workflow efficiency.

SAFe vs LeSS Framework: Which is the best fit for your Organization?

Agile welcomes changes in requirements, even late in the development process. The focus is on delivering a product that provides the most value, and changes are opportunities for improvement. Organizations in continuous transformations and transitions favor agile. Every organization targets a Mature Agile state and a high-performing Agile team and adopts an Agile framework for better alignment with business needs.

Astera Data Governance Walkthrough

Join me as I guide you through: Centralizing your organization’s data securely Enhancing data quality with enrichment tools Deploying projects using Astera Data Pipeline Builder Managing and enriching data assets Creating glossary terms and tags for better data discoverability Generating comprehensive data profiles and automating data quality checks Approving access requests for data assets.

Mobile DevOps Release Management | Permission settings for Admins, Developers and Testers

Welcome to our Release Management for iOS playlist! Release Management is available to all team members of an app's team, but not everyone can access all functions. Use the Release Manager role to keep your release process secure and reliable.