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External Tables Are Now Generally Available on Snowflake

Today, Snowflake is announcing the general availability (GA) of the External Tables feature. Snowflake launched the External Tables feature for public preview at the Snowflake Summit in June 2019. It is one of the key features of the data lake workload in the Snowflake Data Cloud.

How Data Is Helping Us Answer Life's Fundamental Questions

I’m a geneticist, which is really just a technical way of saying that I obsess about the minutiae of your family history. Now, while that sounds rather stalkerish, this is in fact a molecular and data-driven addiction, which is fuelled by my need to understand the nature of evolution and human behaviour via the data within our DNA. Our genomes are the single-most densely packed dataset that we have ever encountered.

Quality at Speed: More API Testing, Less UI Testing

Whether your company is a digital native or you’re just starting or well on your way to digital transformation, you know that your web services, mobile apps, and API programs need faster time-to-market without increasing risk. More full-stack and backend developers as well as QA/testing, architecture, and DevOps leaders are trying to inject rocket fuel into their agile development by doing more API testing. But how much UI testing can be moved over to much faster API testing? And then, how short can you make your testing sprints with API testing?

Mobile Usability testing: What is it and how is it done?

It goes without saying that the usage of smartphones has been soaring all around the globe. In fact, a report by Statista suggests that the overall count of mobile phones all over the world is expected to be a whopping 3.8 billion by 2021 which is around half of the world’s population. Also, around 80% of the total time spent on mobile phones is dedicated to mobile apps.

Katalon TestOps - Test Orchestration and Quality Analytics Platform

The “Quality at Speed” movement – or delivering high-quality products in a short period – has expanded beyond the software industry: it appears in the standard playbook of companies in health care, finance, etc. This new movement pushes QA teams to continuously reinvent their software development cycle with advancing technological practices.

The Future Is Already Here - It's Just Not Evenly Distributed

We’re in the middle of the golden age of innovation that’s creating absolutely astounding achievements. Within 10 years, Elon will land people on Mars, Germany won’t have any gasoline cars on the road, and you’ll be able to use more of your senses in virtual reality. This blade cuts both ways though.