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June 2024

CSS Selector Cheat Sheet: Smart Tips for Browser Automation Testing

I love this quote, though I’m not quite sure if “Jan Houtema” is a real person. It may be a Paul Graham pseudonym… But in any case, yes, change breaks brittle things and one of the challenges of automated browser testing is to mitigate that effect as much as possible while you design tests for an ever-changing application.

Regex Essentials: Validating HTML id Attributes

When we initially started building our test recorder, we needed a way to validate the id attributes being used on the page. We would sometimes capture an id attribute in a recording, only to find that it failed when we used it in a test, because it didn’t meet specification. For instance, sometimes websites would use an id with a number in front, like this: That is technically invalid, at least in the HTML4 specification.

5 Post-Launch Steps to Make Your App Successful

This post originally appeared on the Build Blog by ThinkApps. View the original post by Runscope’s VP of Developer Relations, Neil Mansilla. So you’ve designed, built and launched your app. Before you pat yourself on the back and move on to the next project, your work isn’t quite done. In order for your app to gain adoption, consistently delight users and be successful for the long haul, you need to put certain systems and workflows in place.