Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

November 2024

Unit Testing in Node.js With Jest

Unit tests are essential for increasing the test coverage of a backend application, ensuring its reliability, functionality, and robustness. Jest has become one of the most popular solutions when unit testing in Node, due to its intuitive API, zero-configuration philosophy, and flexible approach to code transpilation. In this guide, you will learn more about Jest, explore its features, and see it in action through a complete example. Become a Jest unit testing expert!

Server-sent Events and WebSockets in Rack for Ruby

In the previous part of this series, we discovered how to create persistent connections in Rack in theory, but now we'll put what we learned into practice. The web has two formalized specifications for communication over a persistent connection: server-sent events (SSEs) and WebSockets. WebSockets are widely used and highly popular, but SSEs are far less well-known. Let's explore them first.

Avoiding False Positives in Node.js Tests

When running tests, it's a great feeling to see dozens of green check marks indicating that a test suite is passing. It's especially gratifying after tackling a tricky bug or slogging through a tough feature. But those passing tests may be giving you a false sense of security. Often, bugs lurk in passing tests, undermining trust in the test suite and your application. Such tests can cause more harm than good, giving you a hearty pat on the back while hiding broken functionality.

Streamlined Contract Testing in Node.js: A Simple and Achievable Approach

Do you want the benefits of contract testing with much less effort? Are you convinced of the benefits of contract testing but think it’s just too difficult to roll out across your organization? You might worry that implementing Pact in your organization requires challenging changes to culture and process. In this article, I’ll show you a drastically simplified approach to contract testing that a single developer can bring online.

How to Track Errors in Oban for Elixir Using AppSignal

When developing an Elixir app, you'll often need to handle tasks in a way that does not interrupt the normal user request-response cycle. Tasks like sending emails are great examples of jobs that should be delegated to a capable background job processing service. In the Elixir ecosystem, Oban is one such background job processing library. In this article, we'll learn what Oban is, how it works, and how to instrument it using AppSignal.