Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

January 2025

Tracking Errors in Tesla with AppSignal for Elixir

While Elixir provides built-in libraries (like HTTPoison) for making HTTP requests, the Tesla library has gained popularity due to its simplicity, ease of use, and extensibility. Tesla offers a clean and composable way to define requests, handle responses, and customize client behavior. Even so, whenever you're working with external APIs, errors are inevitable. Network issues, server downtime, rate limiting, and unexpected responses can all lead to errors in your application.

How to Use Regular Expressions in Python

Regular expressions, commonly known as regex, are a tool for text processing and pattern matching. In Python, the re module offers a robust implementation of regex, allowing developers to handle complex text manipulation efficiently. In this article, we'll get to grips with regular expressions and provide practical code examples — from the basic to more advanced — so you can understand how to use regex in Python.