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April 2022

Visual Regression Testing with Playwright

With Playwright, you can launch or connect to a Chrome, Edge, Safari, or Firefox browser and exchange instructions. The DevTools protocol (for Chrome browsers) and a bespoke protocol (for Firefox and WebKit browsers) are used for these messages. The primary benefit of adopting Playwright over Puppeteer is that Playwright supports many browser manufacturers, whereas Puppeteer exclusively supports Chrome-based browsers.

Selenium Vs : A Comparison Analysis

QA teams and developers have started shifting focus to an open-source test automation tool and framework. Open-source test automation frameworks incorporate the most effective software testing techniques, tools, assumptions, and libraries that may be utilized by many teams. Aside from Selenium test automation framework, another prominent automation testing tool is

Test Management Case for Github : Retain Test Runs or Save Permanently Feature for Tests & Cycles

In this video we have a close look to the Save Permanently feature. It saves the Test Run Results from being deleted if you have the automatic delete feature enabled. This TestQuality App feature is part of your Site Maintenance if you wish to remove your Test Run data and this can be automated with the settings in the Cycle to remove all runs and it is called "Retain Runs" (how many runs you wish to retain for that particular cycle with "0" meaning "Disable").

Test Management Case for Github : TestQuality Command Tool to Clone Tests or Doing Bulk Operations

Video of Some Important Bulk Operations that can Be Performed by the Command Tool offered by TestQuality - Test Management Tool App. In this TestQuality video we will cover How this Bulk Actions Tool Works and Where you can select multiple tests and manage them as one. TestQuality Command Tool offers a very simple way of Bulk Managing and Modifying your Tests.

Jira Integrations: Integrating Jira and TestQuality Bidirectionally

Jira has been around for almost a decade and continues to thrive. Agile teams adore the power that Scrum and Kanban projects provide. It is also one of the most common problem and bug tracking applications, assisting teams in monitoring, tracking, assigning, and reporting day-to-day activities. Jira integrations, on the other hand, are what every team requires to push the platform's capabilities beyond its current capabilities.