Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

January 2024

EBPF, Service Mesh And Sidecar

The operating system is like the boss of your computer, handling security, networking, and keeping an eye on what’s happening. But tweaking or improving the core part of the operating system, called the kernel, is a bit tricky because it’s mainly focused on keeping things stable and secure. Most cool new stuff usually happens outside the core system, in what we call the user space. That’s where people add extra features or functions.

Chat with Devs | Episode 1 - Kernel and Network Tracing with eBPF |

eBPF is the kernel technology for a new generation of networking, observability and security tools. This will give attendees knowledge of how eBPF can be used to trace every action taken on a running system and know what is happening inside the kernel. The main advantage of using eBPF for tracing is that you can access almost any piece of information from the Linux kernel and your applications.