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The Next Generation of Cloud Connectivity: Apache Kafka, API Gateway and Service Mesh

Let’s boldly go where no one has gone before. Get ready, Star Trek fans! Jean-Luc Picard will be representing our microservice. Once we have Jean-Luc in our ship (microservice in production), what happens on day 2? We still need to add authorization, load balancing, rate limiting, etc. With an API gateway, like Kong Gateway, you don’t have to know how to do this because a set of program components, called plugins, allow you to implement this without any problem.

Apache Kafka, API Gateway and Service Mesh for Cloud Connectivity

In this video, @Viktor Gamov illustrates the differences between an API gateway and service mesh — and when to use one or the other pragmatically and objectively. He also discuss the similarities and differences between the communication layer provided by gateways, service mesh and Apache Kafka. Finally, you will learn a few ways to use Apache Kafka within a service mesh architecture.

Building a realtime ticket booking solution with Kafka, FastAPI, and Ably

As the post-pandemic world emerges, the future of events such as summits, conferences or concerts is brighter than ever. Thanks to hybrid events, in-person events are now doubled by online happenings, which allows event organizers to reach much larger, geographically distributed audiences. For organizers and ticket distributors, providing a great ticket-booking experience to their global audiences has become more important than ever.

Ably Kafka Connector: extend Kafka to the edge reliably and safely

We are excited to announce our new Kafka connector. The Ably Kafka Connector provides a ready-made integration between Kafka and Ably, helping companies distribute data from Kafka to internet-connected client devices in a fast, easy, dependable and secure way. As part of our partnership with Confluent, the connector is available on the Confluent Hub as a Gold standard connector. joins forces with Celonis to bring streaming data to business execution

Today, I’m thrilled to announce that is joining Celonis, the leader in execution management. Together we will raise the bar in how businesses are run by driving them with real-time data, making the power of streaming open, operable and actionable for organizations across the world. When began, we could never have imagined we’d reach this moment.

Introducing the Kafka to Celonis Sink Connector

Apache Kafka has grown from an obscure open-source project to a mass-adopted streaming technology, supporting all kinds of organizations and use cases. Many began their Apache Kafka journey to feed a data warehouse for analytics. Then moved to building event-driven applications, breaking down entire monoliths. Now, we move to the next chapter. Joining Celonis means we’re pleased to open up the possibility of real-time process mining and business execution with Kafka.

How to Load Test Your Kafka Producers and Consumers using k6

Recently, k6 started supporting k6 extensions to extend k6 capabilities for other cases required by the community. The community has already built plenty of extensions. k6 extensions are written in Go, and many of them are reusing existing Go libraries. This makes k6 to be a versatile tool to test different protocols and adapt to multiple cases. This post is the third part of my series of articles testing various systems using k6: Let's look in this post how we test the popular Kafka project.