The Appium Desired Capabilities are the heart of a seamless and efficient mobile app testing experience. Learn how to define precisely what attributes your session should possess in the blog post.
Android 14 is here! Start testing on real devices and emulators today. Learn about the many improvements that will help you deliver a better Android experience.
Android testing tools and frameworks are used to test Android apps' functionality, performance, and usability. Read the blog post to learn the most popular Android testing tools available today.
Sauce Labs now supports iOS 17 on real devices! This new iOS version offers a range of updates for security, personalization, sharing, and communication features. Learn more in our blog post.
Imagine being able to explore your app's ins and outs – interacting with buttons, fields, and more – all while making testing a breeze. Whether you're a seasoned tester or just starting out, this Appium Inspector testing guide is for you.