How to do Hyperparameter Optimization better
A Simple Hyperparameter Optimization Guide.
A Simple Hyperparameter Optimization Guide.
For a quick refresher on what hyperparameter optimization is and what frameworks and strategies are supported by ClearML out of the box, check out our previous blogpost!
AI models get smarter, more accurate, and therefore more useful over the course of their training on large datasets that have been painstakingly curated, often over a period of years. But in real-world applications, datasets start small. To design a new drug, for instance, researchers start by testing a compound and need to use the power of AI to predict the best possible permutation.
Most data science projects don’t pass the PoC phase and hence never generate any business value. In 2019, Gartner estimated that “through 2022, only 20% of analytic insights will deliver business outcomes”. One of the main reasons for this is undoubtedly that data scientists often lack a clear vision of how to deploy their solutions into production, how to integrate them with existing systems and workflows and how to operate and maintain them.
In my main position, as a data scientist at SIL International, I work on expanding language possibilities with AI. Practically this includes applying recent advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) to low resource and multilingual contexts. We work on things like spoken language identification, multilingual dialogue systems, machine translation, and translation quality estimation.
At AgroScout, we’re taking on a massive challenge with some correspondingly exciting upside, both for us and for our customers: We’re creating an automated, AI-driven scouting platform for early detection of pests and disease in vast agricultural areas.
Congratulations on creating a clean(ish) dataset to use for training! Now while the dataset is stored where it’s accessible to everyone, the distribution itself is a hassle! Local workstations, local GPU machines, and cloud machines (that may be spun up and down without disk persistence) are getting data everywhere. …and to say it is annoying is an understatement!
Everyone wants to manage their data, and if it’s a feature store, even better! But for optimal data management, we must first discuss lightweight zero upfront setup costs and maximizing utility with ClearML-data. ClearML-data mimics the light weightiness of git for data (who doesn’t know git?) and gives it a spin. It is an open-source dataset management tool which is extremely efficient and conveys how we view DataOps and its distinction from git-like solutions, including.
What can we say: Research is non-linear, there are tests, and adjustments, and more tests, and more adjustments, and then we add more data, and test some more, and… you know the story.
We’re excited to announce ClearML’s elevated recognition by NVIDIA as an Inception Premier Member.