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Building Serverless Apps with the AWS CDK Using TypeScript

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) lets you build serverless applications with the expressive power of a programming language like TypeScript. The CDK defines cloud infrastructure in code and deploys via AWS CloudFormation. In this post, we will build a Lambda function, an AWS Gateway API, and an S3 bucket to upload CSV files. The API will take requests in JSON and seamlessly convert them to CSV format. We will use the AWS CDK in TypeScript to reliably deploy our app through AWS CloudFormation. Ready?

Good Database Migration Practices for Your Ruby on Rails App using Strong Migrations

One great feature that comes with modern web frameworks is the ability to manage database schema migrations. However, schema migrations are not 100% safe and remain a recurring cause of issues within projects I have encountered over the last 15 years. This article will review the issues surrounding poorly managed schema migrations and then look into Strong Migrations, a gem that can help you avoid most problems. Finally, we will discuss a few good practices around database management. Let's get started!

Node.js Performance APIs: An Introduction

Node.js offers a rich set of performance data through its APIs, similar to how modern web browsers expose performance metrics for webpages. With tools like the Performance Measurement API and the perf_hooks module in Node.js, you can gain insights into your application's performance from the server's perspective, closely aligning with what the end user experiences. In this article, the first of a two-part series about performance hooks, we'll explore how to approach performance optimization in Node.js.

Active Record or Sequel: Which Best Fits The Needs of Your Ruby App?

When it comes to choosing an object-relational mapping (ORM) library for your Ruby application, Active Record is usually the favorite choice. It's an easy-to-use ORM library that allows for lots of data wrangling without resorting to SQL. All the same, you might wonder: "Is Active Record the only Ruby ORM library I can use?".

Powerful Caching in Elixir with Cachex

Developers often initially look to the Elixir language and stack because it's known for being able to handle massive amounts of concurrent requests and scale easily. This makes Elixir a great choice for building highly performant applications. However, sometimes operations are computationally expensive and can slow down your application. This is where caching comes in.

Track Errors in Your Python Django Application with AppSignal

In this post, we will specifically look at using AppSignal to track errors in a Django application. We'll first create a Django project, install AppSignal, introduce some faulty code, and then use the AppSignal Errors dashboard to debug and resolve errors. Let's get started!

Top 8 Recent V8 in Node Updates

V8 is the most popular JavaScript engine on the planet, supporting technologies such as Chrome and Node.js. The pace of V8's development is impressive, with multiple code commits a day and major releases roughly every month. Keeping up with updates isn't easy, but you've come to the right place! Here, we'll dig into the latest improvements and additions Google has made to the JavaScript engine. Find out what the future of web development looks like!

Hotwire Modals in Ruby on Rails with Stimulus and Turbo Frames

Modals are widely used on the web, but they are rarely built with accessibility in mind. When a modal is displayed, the background is dimmed visually but it's still visible to screen readers and keyboard-only users. In this post, the first of a two-part series, we'll look at presenting accessible modals in Rails using two different approaches powered by Hotwire's Turbo and Stimulus libraries. But first, let's see what we need to do to make modals accessible.