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HTML vs HTML5: Learn the Difference Between Them

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the basic language for creating websites. Since its introduction in the late 1980s, HTML, like anything else in the tech world, has grown tremendously. Many that are new to coding should become acquainted with HTML5, the most recent version. However, having a detailed understanding of the language's evolution will provide insight into the past, current, and future of web creation for both new and experienced coders.

Google PageSpeed Insights: Everything You Need To Score 100/100

Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights lets developers, site owners, and webmasters gauge and understand their website’s performance. The speed of your website is an essential and most crucial factor responsible for its overall growth and success. Once you build your website to optimize and build its conversion rate, speed plays an important role.

What is IaaS? How IaaS Different from SaaS and PaaS?

The cloud is a hot topic for everyone from small companies to multinational corporations, but it's also a vast term that covers a lot of online ground. It's more important than ever to appreciate the differences and benefits of the different cloud providers when you consider moving your company to the cloud, whether for application or infrastructure deployment. Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) is a cloud-based service that provides virtualized computing resources to businesses over the internet.

Replace Elasticsearch with MeiliSearch

Data is everywhere and there is no doubt that the datasets we now spans gigabytes easily. We live in a data-rich world. Everyone is on the internet and getting meaningful information from queries this data set is critical. Most of the time they get overwhelmed with the data and have trouble finding what they are looking for. Here comes the Search Engines which is designed to search for websites on the internet based on the user's search query.

SMTP Ports (25, 587, 465, or 2525) - What is SMTP Port? How to Choose the Best and Right SMTP Port?

It can be difficult to choose an SMTP port. When we set up the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SMTP Server, the first question that comes to mind is this. Which port is the best for SMTP connections? There are a variety of ports to choose from, but which one should you use? Allow me to take you on a journey through the history of each port. It will give you a good understanding of all of the ports, and then we'll talk about which one is optimal for SMTP connections.

Lighthouse Performance Metrics: What They Are & How to Improve Them

Google has made page speed a ranking factor in mobile searches for quite sometime now. Thus measuring performance has become a key part of any web development project. Performance, accessibility and general SEO best practices are major factors in search engine rankings. Your site's performance can have a big impact on how it is perceived. It can be stated as how fast a website is, or how good the user experience is with the site.

Debugging in PHP

PHP is a great language to start with when you are learning how to code. It has a simple syntax, it’s easy to learn and you can make dynamic websites with it. But even though it’s easy to write PHP code, it’s not always easy to debug. There are a lot of tools out there that can help you, but since PHP is an interpreted language, you can also use a couple of debugging techniques to help you find bugs in your code. In this blog post I'll cover the the following sections.

8 Emerging Web Development Trends in 2021 and Beyond

What’s trending in web design and development? Like humans, technology also continues to evolve as we find new innovations, doing things faster and make them work flair than they did before. This increasing attention to responsive web design is partly because of the increased usability and the performance it brings to the users. Each year, developers are always discovering new technologies that can keep them in the competition.

Which Open Source Bug Tracking Tools Would Be Best For You?

With the increase in open-source software tools, developers have become more powerful. Open Source refers to an openly distributed code which allows users to inspect, modify and enhance it. It includes a license that allows users to utilize the source code and you can also modify and share under defined terms and conditions.

GitHub vs GitLab

Version Control also known as Source Control, is the process of tracking and managing the changes in software. Version control software keeps track of code changes and helps development team to analyze their work, identify each change set separately, point to a change using the version number and much more. Source Control is a defacto standard right now for any development and successful deployment of your code.