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DataOps Unleashed Dataops Automation and Orchestration With Fivetran, Dbt, and the Modern Data Stack

Dataops Automation and Orchestration With Fivetran, Dbt, and the Modern Data Stack presented by Nick Acosta, Developer Advocate at Fivetran. Many organizations struggle with creating repeatable and standardized processes for their data pipeline. Fivetran reduces pipeline complexity by fully managing the extraction and loading of data from a source to a destination and orchestrating transformations in the warehouse.

Prepare Your Data - The Self-Service Data Roadmap, Session 2 of 4

In this webinar, Unravel CDO and VP Engineering Sandeep Uttamchandani describes the second step for any large, data-driven project: the Prep phase. Having found the data you need in the Discover phase, it's time to get your data ready. You must structure, clean, enrich, and validate static data, and ensure that "live," updated or streamed data events are continually ready for processing.

Going Beyond Observability for Spark Applications & Databricks Environments

Join Chris Santiago, Solutions Engineer Director at Unravel Data, as he takes you through Unravel’s approach to getting better and finer grain visibility with Spark applications and how to tune and optimize them for resource efficiency. An overview of out of the box tools like Ganglia and their overall lack of visibility on Databricks jobs How Unravel helps you gain finer grain visibility, observability, monitoring into Spark data pipelines How Unravel can recommend better configurations and tuning of Spark applications.

Discover Your Datasets - The Self-Service Data Roadmap, Session 1 of 4

In this session, Unravel CDO and VP Engineering Sandeep Uttamchandani describes the start of any large, data-driven project: the Discover phase. You must identify the insights you want to generate from the project, you must discover; that is, you must identify the current data assets you have, and the new data assets you will need, to generate the insights you want to produce. Sandeep expertly guides you through this process, and shows you how to invest the right amount of time and effort to get the job done.

Moving Big Data and Streaming Data Workloads to Google Cloud Platform

Cloud migration may be the biggest challenge, and the biggest opportunity, facing IT departments today - especially if you use big data and streaming data technologies, such as Cloudera, Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka. In this 55-minute webinar, Unravel Data product marketer Floyd Smith and Solutions Engineering Director Chris Santiago describe how to move workloads to Google Dataproc, BigQuery, and other destinations on GCP, fast and at the lowest possible cost.

High-Performance, Cost-Effective Move to Azure

Cloud migration may be the biggest challenge, and the biggest opportunity, facing IT departments today - especially if you use big data and streaming data technologies, such as Cloudera, Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka. In this 55-minute webinar, Unravel Data product marketer Floyd Smith and Solutions Engineering Director Chris Santiago describe how to move workloads to Azure HDInsights, Databricks, and other destinations on Azure, fast and at the lowest possible cost

Why You Need DataOps in Your Organization

DataOps is the hot new trend in IT, following on from the rapid rise of DevOps over the last decade. The growth of AI, machine learning, and move to cloud all contribute to the growing importance of DataOps. Kunal Agarwal, Unravel Data CEO will take you through the rise of DataOps and show you how to implement a data culture in your organization.

Moving Big Data and Streaming Data Workloads to AWS

Cloud migration may be the biggest challenge, and the biggest opportunity, facing IT departments today - especially if you use big data and streaming data technologies, such as Cloudera, Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka. In this 55-minute webinar, Unravel Data product marketer Floyd Smith and Solutions Engineering Director Chris Santiago describe how to move workloads to AWS EMR, Databricks, and other destinations on AWS, fast and at the lowest possible cost.