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We've raised $60M Series C to help you be faster, more efficient and more successful on mobile

We're excited to announce that we’ve raised a $60m Series C funding round to help us deliver on that goal. Bitrise is already core to the mobile engineering processes of many of the world’s most successful businesses, but — with this funding — we’ll build out our team and technology to make you even faster, more efficient, and more successful on mobile.

Colin Hemmings: Introducing Bitrise Build Insights | BUG: Autumn Edition

Bitrise User Groups are about Bitrise users teaching Bitrise users. Speaking at a BUG is a great way to share some knowledge, gather feedback on your workflows or just connect to the wider Bitrise community. We welcome speakers from all around the world with all levels of experience! Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below. #bitriseusergroup #mobiledevelopment #bitrise

Karol Wrótniak: How to work around missing Bitrise features? | BUG - Autumn Edition

Bitrise User Groups are about Bitrise users teaching Bitrise users. Speaking at a BUG is a great way to share some knowledge, gather feedback on your workflows or just connect to the wider Bitrise community. We welcome speakers from all around the world with all levels of experience! Presenter: Karol Wrótniak from Droids on Roids Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below.

Sokari Gillis-Harry: Multiple environment Flutter deployment with Bitrise | BUG: Autumn Edition

Bitrise User Groups are about Bitrise users teaching Bitrise users. Speaking at a BUG is a great way to share some knowledge, gather feedback on your workflows or just connect to the wider Bitrise community. We welcome speakers from all around the world with all levels of experience! Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below. #bitriseusergroup #mobiledevelopment #bitrise

Mussel | Verified Steps on Bitrise

As every team wants to speed up their app regression processes, it’s important to find a quick and easy, maintainable solution to test Push Notifications and Universal Links. Testing these is a real challenge and conventional methods will probably slow you down, accumulating the time you would normally like to spend with UI tests. Mussel will help you ease these responsibilities: it’s an open-source framework built by the amazing mobile team at Compass, testing Push Notifications, Universal Links, and Routing in XCUITests.

Sofy | Verified Steps on Bitrise

Used by Microsoft, British Telecom, Forrester and many more, is a no-code mobile app testing platform for engineers. Sofy has their own device farm with hundreds of real devices, so performing manual and automated tests are easy, just as regression testing. It's a no-code automation platform: it means you don’t have to write a single line of code. You can have the cake and eat it too!

Demo: Introducing Build Insights on Bitrise

Monitor and improve your Bitrise performance with Build Insights! 📊 Build Insights is a monitoring tool that allows you to track metrics detailing the performance of your Bitrise builds. Track your metrics on app-, Workflow-, and Step-level and use the data to optimize your builds. In this quick demo, we're introducing the dashboard's main features.