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Mastering continuous deployment with Keegan Rush | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Keegan is an iOS and macOS Developer, and — along with Pietro Rea — a co-author of the recently published book, iOS App Distribution & Best Practices. The book is a how-to guide for everyone who wants to deploy apps, whether they are becoming Mobile DevOps practitioners or release managers in their team.

7 Steps to Ultra-fast Mobile Continuous Integration

Speed is the name of the game in continuous integration. The quicker a developer can get feedback on their changes, the quicker they can address problems and move on to the next feature. Imagine shaving 10 minutes off your build. For a developer pushing code 5 times a day, this is 40 hours of time savings a year! In this session, Ben Boral, Solutions Engineer at Bitrise will offer 7 actionable tips that mobile developers can apply to their own CI pipelines to enjoy super fast CI responsiveness.

Remote work and Mobile DevOps with Joe Birch | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Joe Birch is a Senior Engineer at Buffer, a Google Developer Expert, builder of, and the creator of ChordAssist, the accessible smart guitar for the blind, deaf, and mute. His experience in working from home at Buffer — an entirely remote company — and his work in the developer community give him a unique perspective on today’s changing work climate and its challenges.

Build Insights Pro: Introducing Bitrise's own CI/CD Performance Monitoring Tool

Build Insights is a monitoring tool that helps you understand your build performance and where you can improve your team’s delivery velocity and stability. It gives you the confidence that things are working well, and visibility into the issue when they are not, all working seamlessly with your existing Bitrise pipelines.

Does mobile need its own DevOps? with Vladimir Ivanov | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Our very first guest is Vladimir Ivanov, Solutions Architect from Saint Petersburg, Russia. In this episode, we discuss some of the unique challenges in mobile development that Vladimir has experienced, specifically when compared to developing for the web, as well as the main ideas behind DevOps, and the tools, processes, and technologies that can help teams adopt this new culture. Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below.

How to level up your team's skillset with John Sundell | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

John Sundell is a well-known authority on Swift development. He's the author of the popular website, hosts his own podcast, produces video, and is a regular speaker at conferences around the world. All with the aim of supporting and contributing to the iOS developer community.

How manual testing is done on mobile?

Manual testing isn’t going to fade away. Yes, automated tests help save time by running a large number of tests in a short time. Yet, certain tests are still best done manually as trying to automate them is difficult and not cost-effective. The discussion, therefore, shouldn't be about automated testing vs. manual testing. Instead, it should be about how to utilize and balance both in a way suited to your organization's size and development cycle demands to maximize return on investment.