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Device flow support in WSO2 Identity Server #Identityin15

In today's episode, we will discuss how you can configure OAuth2.0 device flow for your applications. Device flow is an OAuth2.0 extension that expands the range of devices an organization can use within their overall digital customer experience solution to include devices with limited user input capabilities (such as smart TVs which do not have keyboards). With device flow support, users can leverage other devices, such as smartphones, to complete the login on the limited input device.

Elastic stack-based Analytics Integration with WSO2 Identity Server

WSO2 Identity Server is an API-driven open source IAM product designed to help you build effective CIAM solutions. ELK-based analytics solution is introduced to view the login and session-related analytics data. Three dashboard templates are provided by default: Auth dashboard, Session dashboard, and alert dashboard. The session dashboard includes statistics related to sessions that get created for different applications accessed via the WSO2 Identity Server. Auth dashboard includes statistics related to login attempts made via the WSO2 Identity Server. The Alert dashboard includes suspicious Login Alerts and Long session alerts.

Multi-Attribute Login with WSO2 Identity Server

Depending on the business, the applications may need to authenticate with different login attributes. For example, social media applications use userId, email, or mobile number as the identifier, Internet banking applications use userId or username as the identifier, Corporate enterprise applications use email as the identifier. In WSO2 Identity Server 6.0.0 provides the capability to use different login attributes as a productized feature. It gives users the flexibility to choose their preferred identity attribute when logging in, such as email, username, or mobile number. A privileged user in the organization can configure the list of allowed attributes that can be used as the login identifier.

WSO2 Private CIAM Cloud Delivers B2B CIAM Capabilities Through Organization Management

WSO2 Private CIAM Cloud supports B2B and B2C business models through the B2B organization management feature. Unlike other CIAM products that are limited to simple organization management, the B2B organization management in WSO2 Private CIAM Cloud handles complex nesting.

Device flow support with WSO2 Identity Server

Device flow is an OAuth2.0 extension that expands the range of devices an organization can use within their overall digital customer experience solution to include devices with limited user input capabilities (such as smart TVs which do not have keyboards). With device flow support, users can leverage other devices, such as smartphones, to complete the login on the limited input device.

Account Locking in WSO2 Identity Server #Identityin15

In this episode, we will be discussing all about account locking in the WSO2 Identity Server. There are two main types of Account Locking in the IS which are Admin-Initiated Account Locking and Account Locking due to Failed Login Attempts. In this session we will be discussing these types in depth and how you can enforce them.

Managing user profiles in your applications with SCIM2 #Identityin15

In today's episode, we will discuss how you can manage your user profiles with SCIM by using WSO2 Identity Server as a SCIM service provider in just 15mins. The System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) specification is designed to manage user identity in cloud-based applications and services in a standardized way to enable interoperability, security, and scalability.