A Guide to WSO2 Identity Server

A Guide to WSO2 Identity Server

Feb 1, 2022

Identity and access management (IAM) is the efficient integration and management of identities, giving users access to the right resources at the right time. Identity is no longer a mere security project for enterprises. In the integration and API domain, as businesses continue to increase the number of internal and third-party APIs, it’s more important than ever that APIs are integrated and governed securely. In the user domain, with increasing user identity spaces, company-wide policies, complex structure hierarchies and roles, regulatory pressures, and customer-facing applications, security becomes a bigger challenge each day for identity architects and administrators.

WSO2 Identity Server aims to address both API and user domains while providing an enhanced user experience as part of WSO2’s open source Integration Agile Platform. It’s a highly extensible IAM product, designed to secure APIs and microservices and enable Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM).