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Katalon Studio v8.6 With TestCloud Integration Now Available

Katalon Studio, the powerful test automation tool, is proud to announce the latest release which expands the ability to execute test suites and test suite collections directly on Katalon TestCloud to include a variety of mobile browsers. This new feature streamlines the creation and execution of automated tests and makes it easier for quality engineers of all skill levels to scale test execution.

The Importance of Visual Testing in Software Quality

Software Quality is no longer measured solely by functionality, performance, and security, but also by the overall user experience (UX). Poor user experiences are known to cause businesses to lose up to 35% of their revenue. Visual testing is a software testing technique that ensures applications or websites meet expected design and usability standards.

Katalon WireMock Integration

Katalon Studio integrates with WireMock, a leading provider of mocking services that delivers both an open source version as well as a cloud version. With WireMock Cloud, Katalon users will be able to easily mimic a production API’s behavior for end to end testing even if the production API is not yet developed or available. These virtualized services (aka service virtualization) can then be shared and used across teams without additional effort or maintenance.

What Is Automation Testing? Ultimate Guide & Best Practices

Automation testing is a software testing technique that utilizes specialized automation testing tools to automatically run a suite of test cases, delivering faster and more accurate results compared to manual testing methods. The process of running the same test suite repeatedly is time-consuming, so by leveraging a test automation tool, it is much faster to write the test suite, re-play it as required, reduce human intervention, and improve testing ROI.

TestProject end of life

TestProject, the community-based test automation platform, has announced that it will be reaching its end of life (EOL) on March 31, 2022. While this may come as a surprise to many users who have come to rely on TestProject, the decision of discontinuing the platform was made after careful evaluation by the TestProject team. In this blog post, we will discuss what TestProject end of life means for your QA teams and how you can prepare for the future.

Mobile Salesforce Testing with Katalon: Setting up emulator in Android Studio

Welcome to our Katalon Salesforce testing tutorial, where we'll show you how to use Katalon Studio and Android Studio to test your Salesforce applications on mobile devices. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up an Android emulator in Android Studio, launching Katalon Mobile Recorder from Katalon Studio, and recording and running mobile test cases on your Salesforce applications.

Mobile Salesforce Testing with Katalon: iOS Simulator

Welcome to our Katalon Salesforce testing tutorial, where we'll show you how to use Katalon Studio and iOS simluator to test your Salesforce applications on mobile devices running iOS. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of connecting to iOS Simulator, launching Katalon Mobile Recorder from Katalon Studio, and recording and running mobile test cases on your Salesforce applications.

Salesforce Testing Automation with Katalon: Test Cases

Welcome to this Katalon Salesforce Testing tutorial, where we will teach you how to use Katalon Studio to generate a test cases that automates the task of creating a “Case” in Salesforce. In this tutorial, we cover all the essential steps to create a new test case, execute it, and analyze the results. At the end of the tutorial you wil be able to easily use Katalon to streamline the web testing process of Salesforce.