06 - Multiple Repository Integration with TestQuality | Test Management Tool for Jira & GitHub

06 - Multiple Repository Integration with TestQuality | Test Management Tool for Jira & GitHub

TestQuality offers you the possibility to use multiple repositories on a single project, or connect multiple projects to a single repository.

If you want to connect to different repositories, you can now have a many to many relationship with your linked GitHub or Jira repositories. Adding a defect or a story is as simple as choosing the location you wish to connect to.

📑 Find more in our documentation site: https://doc.testquality.com/whats_new#multiple-linked-repositories

TestQuality (https://www.testquality.com) helps you build better software with fully integrated and easy to use Test Management for high-performance teams. The fastest way to build, run, and manage test cases, plans, runs, and cycles. Easily understand the quality and performance of your tests and with powerful test analytics.

TestQuality's seamlessly integrates your testing efforts with your development and QA workflows, live and in real-time. Pull test results from popular CI/CD, Test Automation and Unit Testing systems or use TestQuality's powerful REST API to import test sets from any testing tools and integrate with any DevOps workflow.

Scalable Team Collaboration: With fair and simple pricing, and roles and permissions management, you can tailor TestQuality to your dev and QA team's needs.

TestQuality was designed with a process forward UX design approach to optimize user workflow.

👉 Sign Up for a Free Trial and add TestQuality to your workflow today! https://web.testquality.com/site/freeTrial