Maximizing the ROI of Your Salesforce Testing with AutonomIQ - SauceCon 2021 Demo

Maximizing the ROI of Your Salesforce Testing with AutonomIQ - SauceCon 2021 Demo

Used in over 80,000 organizations worldwide, Salesforce is the most widely adopted CRM system. Conducting automated functional testing is challenging in Salesforce, however, given that the web pages are dynamic.

In this demo session, Sahr Saffa will demo hands-on use cases of testing the Salesforce application and show how you can customize the in-built SDFC (Salesforce Dot Com) features. You'll learn how to build a robust testing framework that will give you reassurance even if you have no previous experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Why use autonomous testing for Salesforce
  • How to create robust test assets with no code
  • How autonomous testing fits within your CI/CD pipeline

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