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How I Simulated A Response From A Third Party App

Whether you’re building a web application, a mobile app, or any other software product, integrating with third-party APIs is almost inevitable. But what happens when you need to test your application’s behavior without relying on these external services? That’s where the magic of simulation comes in handy. In this blog, we’ll explore how you can simulate responses effectively, even if the actual service isn’t available.

Functional Testing Guide

Functional testing is a type of software testing that validates web or mobile applications against pre-determined specifications and requirements. The goal is to ensure that the software performs as expected by both developers and end-users. Functional testers aim to emulate real-world scenarios and user pathways, testing not only for functionality but also for non-functionality, such as how the app behaves in airplane mode or when a video buffers.

Digital Transformation in the Retail Sector: The New Future

Have you noticed how quickly the retail industry is changing? It's all thanks to digital transformation, which is happening at an incredible pace. We bet you're curious about why this shift is happening and what's driving it. Don't worry, you're not alone in your questions. Many people are wondering about the same thing. With each passing day, we see new technologies and IT solutions being adopted by retailers to stay ahead of the competition and offer better user experiences.

A Look Back at the Gartner Data and Analytics Summit

Artificial intelligence (AI) is something that, by its very nature, can be surrounded by a sea of skepticism but also excitement and optimism when it comes to harnessing its power. With the arrival of the latest AI-powered technologies like large language models (LLMs) and generative AI (GenAI), there’s a vast amount of opportunities for innovation, growth, and improved business outcomes right around the corner. All of that technology, though, depends on data to be successful.

Introducing Qlik's AI Accelerator - Delivering Tangible Customer Outcomes in Generative AI Integration

At Qlik, we're witnessing a thrilling shift in the landscape of data analysis, customer engagement, and decision-making processes, all thanks to the advent of generative AI, especially Large Language Models (LLMs). The potential for transformation across all sectors is enormous, but the journey toward integration can be daunting for many businesses with many leaders wondering where to start in integrating the exciting capabilities of AI into their daily workflows.

How to Navigate the Costs of Legacy SIEMs with Snowflake

Legacy security information and event management (SIEM) solutions, like Splunk, are powerful tools for managing and analyzing machine-generated data. They have become indispensable for organizations worldwide, particularly for security teams. But as much as security operation center (SOC) analysts have come to rely on solutions like Splunk, there is one complaint that comes up for some: Costs can quickly add up.

Building an effective test automation framework synergized with Xray Enterprise

Test automation is an essential component in today's software development landscape, where speed and quality are critical. It ensures the timely delivery of high-quality software by automating repetitive and time-consuming testing tasks. However, the journey to effective test automation comes with challenges such as selecting the right tools, managing complex test cases, and enabling seamless integration of testing into the software development lifecycle.

Basel 3.1: Strengthening Global Financial Framework

The financial crisis of 2008 exposed vulnerabilities in the global banking system. In response, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) introduced the Basel III reforms, a set of regulations designed to strengthen banks’ capital adequacy and risk management practices. Basel 3.1, the latest iteration of these reforms, is set to be implemented in major jurisdictions like the EU and UK in 2025.

Kafka-docker-composer: A Simple Tool to Create a docker-compose.yml File for Failover Testing

Confluent has published official Docker containers for many years. They are the basis for deploying a cluster in Kubernetes using Confluent for Kubernetes (CFK), and one of the underpinning technologies behind Confluent Cloud. For testing, containers are convenient for quickly spinning up a local cluster with all the components required, such as Confluent Schema Registry or Confluent Control Center.