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Powering Algorithmic Trading via Correlation Analysis

Finding relationships between disparate events and patterns can reveal a common thread, an underlying cause of occurrences that, on a surface level, may appear unrelated and unexplainable. The process of discovering the relationships among data metrics is known as correlation analysis. For data scientists and those tasked with monitoring data, correlation analysis is incredibly valuable when used for root cause analysis and reducing time to remediation.

A Beginner's Guide To Test Automation With Javascript (Nightwatch.js). Part 2.

Welcome to the “A beginners guide to test automation with Javascript(Nightwatch.js)” blog series part 2! If you have missed out on the first part, you can read it here. In this article we will look into the following and as always – feel free to skip to any part you are the most interested in: Code used in this article can be found in Loadero’s public GitHub examples repository here.

Creating Your First Custom Lua Plugin for Kong Gateway

This tutorial shows you how easy it is to build a custom Lua plugin for Kong Gateway. My Kong Lua plugin example will automatically add a custom header to any response sent out, indicating the current plugin version. Kong Gateway is built on OpenResty, which extends the NGINX proxy server to run Lua scripts. It sits as a proxy between a client’s requests and routes them to defined services.

How To Keep Developers Moving Fast From The First Line Of Code To Production (And Beyond)

Troubleshooting customer issues in production is a difficult job. These are the issues that impact the business the most, so consequently, stress levels are almost always at a high. And it’s never fun to be measured against an SLA, which feels like you’re stuck in a losing battle. And it’s especially hard in the world of microservices and Kubernetes, because it’s so difficult to recreate a reliable replica of production in your local development environment.