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Buying and selling your home with data: A Q&A with Opendoor CTO Ian Wong

While many businesses struggled to keep pace with the changing economics of a global pandemic, the real estate industry was booming. The housing market reached record-breaking heights last month, with median existing-price homes rising 17.2% over the prior year. This increase in the average cost of a house was compounded by accelerated closing times, as the average house sold in 18 days, a record low.

8 Cloud Cost Optimization Tactics for Kubernetes

If you’ve ever gotten sticker shock after receiving a surprisingly large cloud bill, this might have been your reaction… I think we’ve all been there. While the cloud makes flexible scaling possible, it has also introduced many new services one can use, resulting in increased cloud costs. In this article, I’ll go over the eight ways you can reduce your Kubernetes cloud costs. I use Amazon Web Services (AWS) as an example, but the lessons can also apply to other cloud providers.

LiveView Integration Tests in Elixir

In the second part of this two-part series on testing LiveView in Elixir, we’ll write an integration test that validates interactions within a single live view, and an integration test that validates the interactions between two separate live views. You will focus on testing the behavior of the survey results chart filter from the previous post. We’ll use the LiveViewTest module’s functions to simulate LiveView connections without a browser.

AutoCAD + Game Engines for Visualization and Innovation

Engineers across industries are using AutoCAD + game engines, like Unreal. Why? AutoCAD can be used to create comprehensive technical designs which are required for manufacturing and testing. For product visualization, game engines shine. When combined, they can maximize innovation. Learn more about this powerful duo and discover why teams are adding the Unreal game engine to their use of AutoCAD.

Feature Spotlight: API Dependency Graph

As APIs become more complex, it can be easy to accidentally break connections. To prevent this, Speedscale can automatically detect and make you aware of inbound and outbound transactions running through APIs in our API Dependency Graph. The Traffic Viewer dashboard makes this information visible to independent teams working on different services. In most organizations this information is usually only known by senior engineers, team leads, and architects.

The Top 5 Node.js Performance Measurement Metrics

Using Node.js as a JavasScript runtime has its advantages. However, it requires significant maintenance to keep it working as expected. Here are the top metrics you should monitor for Node.js performance measurement analysis. Application programming interfaces or APIs that use the Node.js runtime environment are scalable. Node.js is asynchronous and event-driven, which means the application can handle multiple connections at the same time.

Why you should be using a VPN when working from home

With so many of us working from home full time for the last 16 months, VPNs have become essential tools for companies to keep their staff working in a safe environment. What we mean by “safe” is mainly about your online presence whilst performing daily tasks for your job.

Spark vs. Tez: What's the Difference?

Let's get started with this great debate. First, a step back; we’ve pointed out that Apache Spark and Hadoop MapReduce are two different Big Data beasts. The former is a high-performance in-memory data-processing framework, and the latter is a mature batch-processing platform for the petabyte scale. We also know that Apache Hive and HBase are two very different tools with similar functions. Hive is a SQL-like engine that runs MapReduce jobs, while HBase is a NoSQL key/value database on Hadoop.