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Database generated events: LiveSync's database connector vs CDC

Ably LiveSync is a product we launched last month to help developers deliver live updates in their applications by automatically keeping their database and frontend clients in sync. LiveSync is made of two components, the Models SDK that runs on the client, and the database connector that listens to changes in your database and syncs those changes to your clients.

How to Craft and Sign a Custom JWT in Kong Konnect

The JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard that allows information to be transferred securely between different parties. The token is digitally signed by using a private key (HMAC) or a public/private key (RSA) by building a JSON Web Signature (JWS). It guarantees that the JWT hasn’t been modified since its creation.

A guide to PHP attributes

When building web applications in PHP, there may be times when you want to add metadata to annotate your code that can be read by other parts of your application. For example, if you've ever used PHPUnit to write tests for your PHP code, you'll have likely used the @test annotation to mark a method as a test in a DocBlock. Traditionally, annotations like this have been added to code using DocBlocks. However, as of PHP 8.0, you can use attributes instead to annotate your code in a more structured way.

Revolutionizing Financial Services with AI: Harnessing Speed and Real-Time Data in the Cloud

In today's financial services landscape, the need for speed is paramount. Traditional financial processes are no longer sufficient to meet the demands of modern consumers and businesses. The synergy of three emerging technologies promises to expedite financial services processes: By implementing a data fabric, financial institutions can break down silos, enabling data to flow freely across the organization.

How to Create a MySQL REST API in 6 Easy Steps

According to StackOverflow’s 2022 survey, 46% of professional developers rate MySQL as the most popular database to use in the workspace. As programmers, we should not be bothered with repeatedly writing code which is otherwise readily available, robust, and well-tested. Yet this problem remains persistent in the REST API space, despite the implementation process being by this point in time rote, repetitive, and prone to error and oversight. This oversight is costly for several reasons.

Resque v Sidekiq for Ruby Background Jobs Processing

Background job processing is integral to modern software architecture. Background jobs allow resource-intensive tasks to be handled asynchronously, improving your application’s responsiveness and efficiency. You can use background processing for tasks such as sending emails, data processing, and batch jobs. If you were to run these synchronously, they could significantly degrade the user experience and system performance. Thus, most frameworks have libraries for running background jobs.

What is a Headless Data Architecture?

The headless data architecture. Is it a fad? Some marketecture? Or something real? In this video, Adam Bellemare takes you through the basics of the headless data architecture and why it’s beginning to emerge as its own respective pattern. Driven by the decoupling of data computation from storage, the headless data architecture provides the basis for a modular data ecosystem. Stream your data for near real-time low latency use cases, or convert it to an Iceberg table for analytical use cases.

S1.E7: What is quality engineering? | QA Therapy Podcast

Today, we're joined by our expert QA Therapist, Antoine Craske, who's here to diagnose and prescribe solutions for symptoms related to Quality Engineering. Hailing from France and working as a Software Engineer at La Redoute, Antoine brings a wealth of experience to the table. He emphasizes that quality isn't the responsibility of just one person or team; it's a collective company goal. To achieve this, leveraging tools is essential.