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February 2023

Power BI Data Preparation in 5 steps

Microsoft Power BI is a fantastic tool for data visualization and business intelligence. But as any data analyst can attest, before you can build metrics and dashboards, you need to spend more than 1/3 of your time preparing and cleaning the dataset for your Power BI instance. Luckily, there is a better way to cut down on this time-consuming task. In this article you will learn.

The 7 Best Airflow Alternatives in 2023

Who doesn’t love Apache Airflow? The Python-based open-source tool allows us to schedule and automate workflows with DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs). Data teams use Airflow for a myriad of use cases: from building ETL data pipelines to launching machine learning apps. The open-source tool makes workflow management easy: it is extensible, easy to monitor from the intuitive user interface in real time, and it allows you to build dependencies between jobs.

The 7 best Python ETL tools in 2023

In a fast-paced world that produces more data than it can ingest, the right Python ETL tool makes all the difference. But not all Python tools are made the same. Some Python ETL tools are great for writing parallel load jobs for data warehousing, others are specialized for unstructured data extraction. In this article, we’ll explore the 7 best tools for ETL tasks and what business requirements they help you fulfill: Let’s dive right into the best tools and see how they compare.