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November 2020

Automation Testing Tools Landscape | Test Automation Landscape Report 2020

Welcome back to our Test Automation Summary series. As we progress to 2021, the Katalon team made a Test Automation Summary 2020 video to reflect the big picture's software testing. This 6-minute video presents the current automation testing tool market and various factors that affect the tool selection process. This recap is synthesized from our Test Automation Landscape Report 2020, reflecting 5,000+ IT professionals' opinions across various industries.

Automation Testing Presence & Future | Test Automation Landscape Report 2020

As we progress to 2021, the Katalon team made a Test Automation Summary 2020 video to reflect the big picture's software testing. This 6-minute video presents top trends in test automation and future testing innovations expected in 2021. This recap is synthesized from our Test Automation Landscape Report 2020, reflecting 5,000+ IT professionals' opinions across various industries. We're excited to see what's going to change and what will be introduced in the next year. Follow us on social media for more material, coming exclusively from Katalon, to you.

Mobile Cloud Testing 101 | Introduction and Implementation

With 2.1 billion smartphone users and 10,000+ mobile apps released daily, the mobile application field seems lucrative yet more competitive than ever, especially the testing landscape. To account for such demands, entering cloud mobile testing: transparency and mobility allow businesses and developers teams to optimize their mobile app testing pipeline while ensuring the application quality.