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March 2024

What is Desktop Testing? Definition, Tools, Tutorials, and Best Practices

Gone are the glorious days of desktop apps. Back in the 90's, when the “web” was only in its infancy, downloading and installing applications to your local machines were the norm. However, over time, the web has matured into the giant it is today, and from it spawned the modern “web-based application” that we all know and love for the unmatched accessibility and ease of use. However, desktop applications are far from dead.

What is Test Case Management? A Complete Guide

Testing is not just writing test scripts and executing them. While not usually considered as an official step in the software testing life cycle, test case management is a crucial activity whose presence can be found in almost any stage of the testing process. The simple act of choosing which test case to execute is already test case management. Done right, test case management can make a real difference.

What is Test-driven Development? A Complete Guide To TDD

Development and testing go hand in hand: one can not be complete without the other. Traditionally, the emphasis has always been placed on developing. Developers code first, then test, fix any bugs they find, commit code, and the cycle repeats. Test-driven development (TDD) takes a slightly contrarian approach: test first, then write code later. These test results guide development activities. Although it may sound counterintuitive, TDD is actually a better approach to development and testing.