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June 2020

Tyk vs. DreamFactory: An Overview, Comparison, and Review

Tyk vs. DreamFactory, we’re showing you how they compare! API gateways are becoming a necessary part of modern application development – especially for those who want to build a secure, agile, microservices-based architecture quickly and cost-effectively. API gateways are also increasingly important for connecting the apps and services that make up a cloud and hybrid-cloud IT infrastructure.

4 Essential ERP Implementation Best Practices

Whatever the size of your business, ERP implementation is a critical project. A successful implementation will move your business from a tangled mess of siloed processes to a streamlined system that acts as a single source of truth, enabling better reporting, superior decision-making, and improved collaboration across your organization. But achieving this isn’t easy. According to Datix, 64% of ERP projects go over budget, and 74% take longer than expected.

APIs and ERPs: A Match Made in Heaven

History is full of dynamic duos like peanut butter and jelly or Batman and Robin—but is it time to add APIs and ERPs to the mix? According to a 2019 study by Cloud Elements, APIs and ERPs are essential to modern business strategy. 55 percent of respondents believe that API integrations are “critical” to their operations. What’s more, the survey’s participants say that ERPs are one of their top three business use cases for API integrations.

What is ERP? The Complete Guide for Businesses

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems integrate a broad range of core business processes and functions into one central system that acts as a single source of truth for an organization. An ERP system consists of a wide range of integrated applications, each one dealing with a particular function. These could include, for example, finance, operations, marketing, human resources, customer relationship management, supply chain management, and more.

Legacy System Modernization

The problems with legacy systems can be extremely detrimental to the success of any business, especially one that primarily handles customer data. Business needs and demands are constantly changing and the type of software and systems we use or don’t use can be the difference between growth and stagnation. As a result of this, legacy modernization for many organizations is nonnegotiable.

The Cost of Your Legacy System

Companies play smart, and they’re well aware of the disadvantages and risks of keeping legacy systems or outdated technology in their workflow. Despite that, many don’t do anything about it. Why? Because doing nothing affordable. Phasing out a legacy system that your business has relied on for over a decade is a major undertaking. Leaving it in place for as long as possible typically proves more cost-effective than immediate migration, even with potentially severe risks considered.

Kong HQ vs. DreamFactory

The rise in demand for microservices-based applications that rely on APIs for connectivity has triggered an equal rise in demand for API gateway solutions. However, API gateways differ considerably in their features and underlying technology, so it’s important to investigate your selection to ensure it fits your needs. In this guide, we take an in-depth look at Kong and DreamFactory – two of the most advanced API gateway solutions on the market.

7 Approaches to Legacy System Modernization

Legacy system modernization is a hot topic in business strategy right now. As the need increases for new technologies and intelligent business solutions, so too does the need for legacy system modernization. That means upgrading legacy systems, improving existing software, and otherwise bolstering operational efficiency. This article will provide a quick recap of the basics and explain how they fit into a number of legacy system modernization strategies.

How to Secure REST APIs: API Keys Vs. OAuth

REST, a.k.a. Representational State Transfer, is an architectural style commonly used in software development. Applications built via REST-style development tend to be excellent examples of distributed hypermedia applications. However, they don’t often have excellent innate security options. That’s where API keys and OAuth tokens come in. As Dr.

Everything You Need to Know About Identity and Access Management (IAM)

We’re reviewing everything you need to know about identity and Access Management (IAM). Good data governance is the key to success in any industry and you can’t have good data governance without identity and access management software. Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions, like the software that DreamFactory provides, is essentially a suite of capabilities that enables systems administrators to protect sensitive data. Of course, there’s a lot more to it than that.