Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

October 2020

How to Set Up Monitoring and Analytics for Strapi the Headless CMS, with Moesif

Strapi is a headless CMS based on Node.js. Headless means that it makes all of its content available via an HTTP API, so you can easily build your user-facing frontend around it. Since it’s a fully-fledged CMS, it brings an administration frontend out-of-the-box, making publishing and maintaining content straightforward - even for those without a technical background. Since everything in Strapi works via an API, it’s perfect for Moesif API monitoring.

Embedding Dashboards with React to Surface Metrics to Customers

Embedded dashboards are an easy way to share the insights you got from Moesif across your team and with your customers. You define metrics, build your dashboards, and then share them, filtered by company or user, inside your developer portal. From a technical point of view, they’re just websites that can be displayed inside an iframe somewhere on your web pages.

Keeping Your API Product Team Happy

Moesif had the privilege of picking the brain of the expert who literally wrote the book on API Product Management. In a wide-ranging discussion with Dr. Amancio Bouza we found out what you should really care about as an API product manager, and it’s not what you may think (hint: see the title). We also cover pricing your API, how to become a better product manager and what books should be on your nightstand.