Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

October 2021

Monitoring Azure API Management with Moesif

API gateways and management platforms like Azure API Management (APIM) are an excellent way to keep your APIs in order. They provide features that every API needs, like API keys, quotas, and caching in a standardized fashion. Your APIs will then behave more homogeneously and can be managed in a central place. They’re also the entry point to your cloud infrastructure and can help you abstract implementation from the interface.

Monitoring Azure API Management with Moesif

API gateways and management platforms like Azure API Management (APIM) are an excellent way to keep your APIs in order. They provide features that every API needs, like API keys, quotas, and caching in a standardized fashion. Your APIs will then behave more homogeneously and can be managed in a central place. They’re also the entry point to your cloud infrastructure and can help you abstract implementation from the interface.

6 ways Moesif API alerts can help your engineering, customer success, and sales teams

The ability to monitor your APIs is an important functionality for any business that is driven by APIs. Beyond API monitoring and observability is the ability to actively create alerts for specific conditions. Moesif is a fantastic platform to utilize alerts with. With our platform, all of your API and user data can be compiled into a single place. it’s a great way to easily configure a wide variety of useful alerts for your REST, GraphQL, and other APIs.

Getting Your Developers to See Value With a Great Developer Experience

One of the beauties of working with APIs is their convenient and practical ways to share data and applications. APIs have enabled a transformational shift from an interface that relied on custom integrations to now a relatively streamlined process. That said, because of their agile framework, some companies have overlooked the importance of providing a great developer integration experience and are not taking the necessary steps to help drive the Time To First Hello World.