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February 2023

How to Integrate ChatGPT into Your Python Script

Want to add some cutting-edge AI magic to your code? That's right, we're talking about integrating ChatGPT - the powerhouse of large language models - into your Python scripts. With ChatGPT, your code will be able to understand natural language and generate human-like responses, revolutionizing the way users interact with your applications.

How to Handle ActiveRecord:: RecordNotFound in Ruby

ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in Ruby is an error that occurs when an application is unable to find a record in the database that corresponds to the provided parameters. ActiveRecord is a Ruby gem that is used to interact with databases in a Rails application. It provides an object-relational mapping (ORM) layer that allows us to work with database records as if they were Ruby objects.

How to Fix Ruby Bundle Install Errors

A bundle install command in Ruby is used to install all of a project's dependencies. But occasionally, this command could falter and issue an error. Numerous variables might be to blame for this issue, and fixing it might prove challenging. In this post, we’ll go through some of the typical reasons for bundle install errors in Ruby along with solutions.