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January 2025

Delivering Oracle quality at scale with the pod model

The pod model is an innovative approach that many enterprises, both small and large, are adopting to enhance their software development and quality assurance processes. This model involves creating small, cross-functional teams known as pods. Similar to an Agile or scrum team, each pod typically consists of five to ten members, including developers, testers, and a quality engineer (QE) or quality assurance engineer (QAE).

From holiday rush to year-round loyalty: 5 Steps to master post-holiday experiences for seamless performance

The holiday rush can be a make-or-break moment for retailers and e-commerce businesses. But the real challenge? Keeping those seasonal shoppers coming back long after the decorations come down. Following plentiful December 2023 sales, many retailers were surprised to start the new year with a sales slump as consumer spending dwindled. The Commerce Department reported that in January 2024, U.S. retail sales dropped 0.8% – much farther than economists expected.