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April 2024

Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) vs Request/Response (RR)

In this video, Adam Bellemare compares and contrasts Event-Driven and Request-Driven Architectures to give you a better idea of the tradeoffs and benefits involved with each. Many developers start in the synchronous request-response (RR) world, using REST and RPC to build inter-service communications. But tight service-to-service coupling, scalability, fan-out sensitivity, and data access issues can still remain.

Kafka-docker-composer: A Simple Tool to Create a docker-compose.yml File for Failover Testing

Confluent has published official Docker containers for many years. They are the basis for deploying a cluster in Kubernetes using Confluent for Kubernetes (CFK), and one of the underpinning technologies behind Confluent Cloud. For testing, containers are convenient for quickly spinning up a local cluster with all the components required, such as Confluent Schema Registry or Confluent Control Center.

Confluent Connectors | Fast, frictionless, and secure Apache Kafka integrations

Every company faces the perennial problem of data integration but often experiences data silos, data quality issues, and data loss from point-to-point, batch-based integrations. Connectors decouple data sources and sinks through Apache Kafka, simplifying your architecture while providing flexibility, resiliency, and reliability at a massive scale.

Schema Registry Clients in Action

There are plenty of materials available out there about Schema Registry. From Confluent alone, if you head to Confluent Developer and search “Schema Registry” you will discover an ever-growing repository of over 100 results including courses, articles, tutorials, blog posts, and more, providing comprehensive resources for enthusiasts and professionals alike.

How to Securely Connect Confluent Cloud with Services on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

The rise of fully managed cloud services fundamentally changed the technology landscape and introduced benefits like increased flexibility, accelerated deployment, and reduced downtime. Confluent offers a portfolio of 80+ fully managed connectors that enables quick, easy, and reliable integration of Confluent Cloud with popular data sources and sinks, connecting your entire system in real time.