One of the largest health insurance providers in the United States uses Unravel to ensure that its business-critical data applications are optimized for performance, reliability, and cost in its development environment—before they go live in production. Data and data-driven statistical analysis have always been at the core of health insurance.
A few weeks ago, I wrote a post summarizing "Seven Data Integration and Quality Scenarios for Qlik | Talend," but ever since, folks have asked if I could explain a little deeper. I'm always happy to oblige my reader (you know who you are), so let's start with the first scenario: Database-to-database synchronization.
Earth Engine and BigQuery share the goal of making large-scale data processing accessible and usable by a wider range of people and applications.
With the open-source Hive-BigQuery Connector, you now can let Apache Hive workloads read and write to BigQuery and BigLake tables.