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Data Warehouses

Which Tables in a Data Warehouse Use Change Data Capture

In today’s 24/7 digital world, real-time data is a necessity to stay relevant for today’s businesses. Companies who wish to remain competitive must be able to quickly respond to customer demand and adjust to market changes. Supplying business leaders with real-time information for informed decision-making can be a challenge with information spread among disparate systems.

5 Tips for Pushing Data from Your Warehouse to NetSuite

NetSuite is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) business management platform part of the Oracle enterprise software ecosystem. Although it's primarily intended for small and medium-sized businesses, organizations of all sizes and industries have successfully used NetSuite to balance their checkbooks, manage inventory, bill and invoice customers, and more.

5 Tips for Pushing Data from Your Warehouse to Intercom

Intercom bills itself as a “conversational relationship platform,” helping businesses connect with their audiences primarily through live chat, as well as email and chatbots. The Intercom platform offers functionality including engagement and onboarding for new customers, support for existing customers, and marketing for potential customers on the fence.

Data Warehouse vs Database: What is the difference and which one should you choose?

The world of big data is getting bigger every day. As the volume of data increases exponentially, businesses of all sizes try to capture raw data, process it, and extract insights for competitive decision-making. The end-to-end operation of extracting value from data is called the ETL process. It stands for: A crucial component of the ETL process is the data storage aspect. The two main contentious architectures for storage solutions are databases and data warehouses. But how do they differ?

5 Tips for Pushing Data from Your Warehouse to SAP

Reverse ETL flips the targets and destinations of the standard ETL (extract, transform, load) process. Instead of collecting your data within a centralized data warehouse, reverse ETL transfers information out of this warehouse and into third-party operational systems for ease of access and better analytics and reporting. That’s all very well and good — but what does reverse ETL look like in practice with systems and software such as SAP?

How to Operationalize your Data Warehouse with Reverse ETL

Organizations are losing out on data-driven decision-making opportunities when data stays in the data warehouse. While business intelligence solutions can surface insights from these data sets, it often reaches team members too late to be used for daily business operations. Reverse ETL empowers organizations to increase the value of their data warehouses through operationalization. Learn how this can transform the way companies use data and insights.

How to Handle HIPAA Concerns With Cloud Data Warehouses

How to use a cloud data warehouse to achieve HIPPA compliance, reduce risk and offload some of the operational burden. How do you balance an accessible data warehouse with data protection and HIPAA Compliance? To get the most value from your data, it should be available to everyone in your organization who can benefit from the data analysis, insights and value it holds.

Data Lakehouses: Have You Built Yours?

In traditional data warehouses, specific types of data are stored using a predefined database structure. Due to this “schema on write” approach, prior to all data sources being consolidated into one warehouse, there needs to be a significant transformation effort. From there, data lakes emerge!