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JWT Authentication: When and How To Use It

JWT stands for JSON Web Token, is a famous technology that comes with its own controversy. Few people find it quite beneficial, while others feel one must never use it. Nonetheless, in this article, we shall discuss the reason behind this controversy, understand JWT in detail, and when and why one must use it. We'll cover the following section in this blog. JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication is a process or method used to verify the owner of JSON data.

Rollbar Tip of the Day: Filter by Date Range

Learn how you can filter your items and occurrences by date range in the UI. Rollbar is the leading continuous code improvement platform that proactively discovers, predicts, and remediates errors with real-time AI-assisted workflows. With Rollbar, developers continually improve their code and constantly innovate rather than spending time monitoring, investigating, and debugging.

Application Lifecycle Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Discipline is the key to success for all companies doing well in their field or reaching a trillion-dollar valuation. They manage the software and update it very frequently when it comes to providing services. So how are they able to manage it and keep their software updated every moment? The answer is ALM—Application Lifecycle Management. ALM includes the people, the software, the tools, and the processes included in software development, from planning to deploying it for end customers.

When 'Good Enough' Isn't Good Or Enough

You know the phrase “good enough”? As in, “it’s good enough right now, we can worry about fixing it in the future”? Well, when it comes to software development, I really hate that phrase. Let me explain why. Simply, it’s because the concept of ‘good enough’ isn’t true. It’s the best type of paradox. Something is either good or it’s holding you back.

PHP Workers: Everything You Need To Know

When you are on the lookout for a hosting plan or web hosting solution for your websites, you must choose a hosting solution that matches your website’s needs and requirements. The hosting plan you choose must provide the required storage space, bandwidth, and other resources that easily accommodate your website’s traffic without any performance lag or other issues.

Creating a System BoM For Software Development

When working on electronic products, many organizations divide their projects between hardware and software teams working in parallel. This is because these engineering teams have distinct methodologies to how they design, document, and communicate their changes to the design. This approach, however, can lead to costly issues, which is where a system-level bill of materials (system BoM) is critical for bringing hardware and software teams together.