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Localazy | Verified Steps on Bitrise

Localazy is a localization platform built with developers in mind — discover shared translations and speed up your translation process. Now available in the Bitrise Step library. Bitrise Verified Steps are official integrations developed and maintained by the service owner. If you'd like to know more about our Verified Step Program and create your Verified Step, read more about it here. Feel free to reach out to us on Twitter or on our public Slack with your experiences about the Step, or to send us any great ideas that would help mobile devs in their daily tasks.

Ruby Flip Flop: What It Is and When to Use It

Apart from being a synonym to a sandal, a ruby flip-flop refers to a system that comprises two alternating (on/off) states that one can switch between. This can be pretty helpful when you want to loop through arrays and capture contiguous subsets that lie between specific bounds (you’ll understand more of what I mean as you read along). However, not many programming languages have leveraged a mechanism like this.

CodeZero 201: The Voyage is Underway

In my previous blog post, CodeZero 101, I shared with you Part 1 of a four-part series directed at introducing you to the CodeZero platform and some of its useful tools and features for Kubernetes developers. While Part 1 focused on laying a technology foundation, this second post gets into CodeZero itself, and introduces two incredibly handy features called Teleport and Intercept. Teleport allows developers to develop and debug their code locally as though they are inside the cluster.

Debugging a Node.js Application with a Production Debugger

Production debugging in its current form is a relatively new area of technology that aims to make it easier for developers to solve problems in their code. More often than not, we don’t have all the information we need to solve those hard to reproduce bugs. This leads to long hours of debugging, adding more log lines, and creating separate reproduction environments to try to isolate and reproduce problems.

Appian Connected Onboarding and Connected Servicing

Onboarding institutional clients is complex, risky and unacceptably slow. It often takes many months to onboard an institution as a client and the stakes are high — the longer it takes, the greater the risk of delay or loss of revenue. And after onboarding a client, it is important to stay agile to ensure their service requests are met quickly and accurately.