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Black Friday Performance of Magento, Oxid, Shopware shops 2016/2017

With all the customers running Tideways on their Magento, Oxid or Shopware shops I was interested in how in the aggregated average, those shops usually perform on Black Friday compared to the 8 weeks before and the weeks after leading up to Christmas. A lot of e-commerce shops have either large Black Friday, Cyber Monday or week long christmas campaigns, which can increase the traffic to the shops significantly.

Updates from Bugfender Q2/2018

We’re really happy to announce that Bugfender 2.0 went live in last quarter – a long awaited release that brings many feature requests from our users. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your feedback. It’s truly invaluable and helps us to improve Bugfender every day. As some of you may be aware, the service experienced some occasional down time during June.

Mobile App Launch Checklist

We created this resource to solve one basic problem: Once you go through all the work of building an app, how can you be sure to nail the landing? In the rush to get an app out, many developers can forget to tag releases or lose depository information that simply needed to be earmarked for a future update. There are some final security measures that need to be taken to protect your app. Whether it’s due to excitement or fatigue, it happens.

The difficulty of Memory Profiling in PHP

Did you ever have a memory leak in your PHP program and couldn't locate the exact source in your code? From my experience with memory profiling in PHP, this is caused by the PHP engine and how it manages memory. PHP uses a custom memory manager on top of the native memory management in C for multiple reasons...

5 Reasons Your App Crashes and How to Fix Them

In 2016, on the eve of the Black Friday sales frenzy in the US, a research firm called Apteligent released a report estimating how much money firms could lose if their apps crashed on the big day. The report tallied up the amount of money spent by retail app customers on Black Friday the previous year and worked out what would happen if every customer experienced at least one crash during peak hours.

Bugfender Outage - What Happened and What We've Done

I’d like to offer a heartfelt apology to all of our users who have experienced any downtime and issues with Bugfender recently. We’re really sorry these have occured and for all of the inconveniences they may have caused you. We understand that many people rely on Bugfender to help them in their daily duties and that our service has let you down.

Testing a new approach to Memory Profiling in PHP with XHProf

Memory profiling in PHP has traditionally been hard. Most memory profilers compare the memory or peak memory before and after a function call to find out how much memory usage increased or decreased. This can be achieved by calling the equivalent of memory_get_usage() and memory_get_peak_usage() functions from within the profiling extension.

Improved Time Explorer

We have just rolled out an improvement to the Time Explorer, the low precision (15 minutes) chart that is rendered in the Dashboard and Application view with performance data for the complete retention period of your plan. It is now shown directly below the the head navigation now and stays there when navigating through to snapshots or transaction details screen. Additionally it now includes the service and environment switchers that have been part of the main application graph before.

Docker Tutorial: Get Going From Scratch

Docker is a platform for packaging, deploying, and running applications. Docker applications run in containers that can be used on any system: a developer’s laptop, systems on premises, or in the cloud. Containerization is a technology that’s been around for a long time, but it’s seen new life with Docker. It packages applications as images that contain everything needed to run them: code, runtime environment, libraries, and configuration.