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How to Capture Logs for a Simba ODBC Driver in Windows, macOS, or Linux

This video provides a step-by-step guide on capturing logs for a Simba ODBC driver across different operating systems: Windows, macOS, and Linux. Whether you’re configuring your driver on a personal computer or in a server environment, this tutorial will help you effectively monitor and troubleshoot any potential problems.

Swift Machine Learning: Using Apple Core ML

A sub-discipline of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) focuses on the development of algorithms to build systems capable of learning from, and making decisions based on, data. In iOS development, ML allows us to create applications that can identify patterns and make predictions, adapting a user’s experience by learning from their behaviour.

What is the Future of Apache Spark in Big Data Analytics?

Started in 2009 as a research project at UC Berkeley, Apache Spark transformed how data scientists and engineers work with large data sets, empowering countless organizations to accelerate time-to-value for their analytics activities. Apache Spark is now the most popular engine for distributed data processing at scale, with thousands of companies (including 80% of the Fortune 500) using Spark to support their big data analytics initiatives.

Best Practices to Use Swift For Backend

In the last article, we gave a general introduction to using Swift for backend development. We discussed its advantages: its robustness, stability and, above all, its simplicity. Now we’re going to drill a little deeper, and provide some best practices that will help you in your day-to-day work. Our work today will focus on Vapor, an open-source web framework that provides a robust foundation for websites, APIs and Cloud projects.

Using Swift as a Backend Technology

Swift is a powerful open source programming language created by Apple in 2014 for the iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS, known for its modern syntax, safety features and fast performance. Designed as a successor to Objective C, Swift has become a hugely popular choice for frontend and mobile app development, and it’s also shaping up to be an excellent choice for server-side development.

Enhanced Cybersecurity with Real-Time Log Aggregation and Analysis

In today’s hyper-connected world, systems are more intertwined and complex than ever. Myriad data sources including applications, databases, network and IoT devices continuously generate vast amounts of data, capturing every event and interaction. Imagine harnessing this data–login logs, firewall logs, IPS logs, web logins–aggregating it, and analyzing it to create a holistic view of your entire infrastructure.

Effective Swift Error Handling Techniques for iOS Developers

As programmers we know that, despite our best efforts, we’ll never be able to completely eliminate errors from our apps. The sheer complexity of modern apps, not least the reliance on dynamic (often third-party) inputs, means errors are inevitable and error handling (exception handling) is crucial to user experience.

Navigating Django Logging: From Basics to Best Practices

Django is designed to be secure by default, which means that its got a number of featured out of the box to protect against common Web vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). Its extensive documentation, active community, and strong ecosystem of reusable apps and libraries make it a common choice for developers looking to create scalable and maintainable Web applications.

Using Alamofire and integrating it with Bugfender

Its ability to simplify a variety of tasks such as making HTTP requests, handling responses, and managing network activities, has made Alamofire one of the most popular and powerful networking libraries in Swift. Today we’ll be looking at how Alamofire can be integrated with Bugfender to cut through the complexities of URLSession to streamline networking operations in our apps.

SwiftUI Colors: Tips and Best Practices for Developers

It might be a cliche, but first impressions really do count. Whether it’s a first date, a job interview or the UI design of your app, looking the part is a massively important consideration. Today we’re going to look at how we can use the SwiftUI Color structure to enhance the visual appeal of our apps and make the right impression on our users.