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CIAM Beyond Access Management - Is Your CIAM Program There Yet?

How mature is your CIAM program today, and how do you aspire to evolve it? We talk with many existing and prospective CIAM customers and have found a fairly rapid evolution in maturity over the last year. In fact, we’ve developed the WSO2 CIAM Maturity Model to discuss the various levels of maturity we see across the market. So what level do you think your organization is at currently, and how can you strive for an optimized level of maturity?

Announcing Smart Snapshots

If you were to wake me up at 3 am and ask me how Rookout differs from logs (or other pillars of Observability, for that matter), my answer would have focused on the agile nature of live debugging. I would have explained that Non-Breaking Breakpoints empower you to decide in real-time what data you need. Traditionally, you would use whatever logs (or metrics and spans) happen to be in the code and work backward from there.

Evolving API Management Requirements of Modern Enterprises

The ability to rapidly assemble and reassemble APIs and microservices has become a competitive differentiator across all industries — allowing organizations to pivot business models and deliver amazing customer experiences at speed and scale. Innovative organizations are pushing to become agile and transforming by adopting cloud native technologies that allow them to build more resilient software quickly that easily scales.

Selecting the right data pipeline tools

Data integration is the process of combining data from different sources and formats to create a unified and consistent view of the data. This involves merging data from multiple databases, applications, and other sources into a single repository, and transforming and formatting data so that it can be easily accessed and analyzed. Data assets need quality controls to ensure they are valid and reliable as many teams within an organization leverages the same data for different purposes.

Building an Agile PMO: Key Features, Organizational Structures, and Overcoming Challenges

Traditional forms of enterprise project management are constantly evolving as the field matures and expands. Although these ways of thinking have been successful in the past, changes to the ways we work, lightning-fast globalization, and the increased use of Agile across industries require a new way of working. As a result, structuring an Agile Project Management Office (PMO) is the next logical step. But what is an Agile PMO? Agile PMO is a modern take on Project Management techniques.

Beginner's Guide to Elasticsearch API: Indexing and Searching Data

Elasticsearch is a JSON-based database leaning heavily towards the unstructured types within the databases available out there. ( Postgres and MySQL are purely structured, while NoSQL is entirely unstructured). It interacts through restful APIs and provides a central unit system combining several datasets arising out of logs, metrics, and application trace data. A quick comparison with relational database management systems (RDBMS) will tell us their similarities.

Understanding Enums in PHP 8.1

In PHP, an enum is a new data type that was introduced in version 8.1. An enum, short for "enumeration," is a set of named constants that represent distinct values that a variable of that enum type can take. Enums are especially useful when you have a set of values that are related and need to be grouped together under a single type. To define an enum in PHP, you use the enum keyword, followed by the name of the enum, and then a list of constant names, each separated by a comma.

How to use Java Stack Traces to debug your code like a Pro

Codes are the core of any application program. These codes can make or break a program. If you are a developer you might have come across certain fault lines while executing a program. Yes, I meant the errors and exceptions. In Java, errors and exceptions are both types of throwable objects that can be thrown by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or by Java code.