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Publish to App Store Connect with Codemagic's Apple Developer Portal integration

Last year, we introduced an easier way of distributing your app to users via the App Store. It simplified and automated publishing apps on App Store Connect with a few lines you could add to your codemagic.yaml file. This feature automated your iOS releases from start to finish and pushed the CI-verified builds straight to the App Store. We are excited to announce that we have simplified this process even further! Now, you can directly reference the API key and authenticate with App Store Connect!

27 Blogging Statistics That Will Shape Your Content Strategy in 2023

Even though some have (falsely) predicted that the rise of social media would mean the end for blogs — blogging is still very alive and kicking: according to Ahrefs, about 22,000 people in the US search Google for “How to start a blog” each month. Still, blogging has changed quite a bit in the last decade and it requires more forethought and planning than it did in the days you could simply throw up a basic website, write whatever you wanted, and still get a decent amount of traffic.

End of life for TestProject - what next for the community?

When Tricentis acquired TestProject and continued to offer it as a “free” tool for its customers, it seemed like a good fit, given the cost-effective nature of TestProject. However, after years of being “free,” the recent news announcement on “TestProject End of Life (EOL) on March 31, 2023,” has not really come as a surprise to many.

Easily validate web applications using Playwright Testing

Playwright is one of the most used frameworks for end-to-end testing of web applications; it supports all modern browsers and has broad community support. If you are considering testing your web applications, this is a tool to consider. Whatever your test execution strategy may be, do not forget to consider visibility and the integration capabilities of the tools you wish to add to your tool belt.

Black Friday: Retail Holiday or Developers' Nightmare?

For developers and QA engineers, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are a game of watching how much weight the ice can take before it cracks. Learn how uptime goes beyond performance testing, and what you can do to prepare for the worst. In the United States, Thanksgiving is right around the corner. For many of us, this serves as a chance to see family, play some football, and stuff ourselves with an unholy amount of food.

System Notifications with Noticed and CableReady in Rails

Notifications are a typical cross-cutting concern shared by many web applications. The Noticed gem makes developing notifications fantastically easy by providing a database-backed model and pluggable delivery methods for your Ruby on Rails application. It comes with built-in support for mailers, websockets, and a couple of other delivery methods. We'll also examine the merits of using the CableReady gem for triggering system notifications in your Ruby on Rails application. Let's get into it!

10 Best Test Management Tools You Should Know in 2022

The development and delivery of software products is a leading market in today’s tech-savvy world. The demands are all-encompassing and perpetually escalating. To keep up with the ever-increasing demand, testing processes have been swift and perfect for a bug-free release. To make this entire course of testing free from significant errors, choosing the appropriate test management tool is a must.

10 API Testing Tools You Can't Live Without In 2022

Any defects that arise in production have a risk of reputation; the software product needs to be tested thoroughly before deploying to the production environment. There are different levels of testing, such as unit testing, integration/API Testing, end-to-end testing, etc. When organizations follow multi-level testing, the defects can be reduced. This blog post discusses the best API testing tools available in the market.