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Ethereum in BigQuery: a Public Dataset for smart contract analytics

Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies have captured the imagination of technologists, financiers, and economists. Digital currencies are only one application of the underlying blockchain technology. Earlier this year, we made the Bitcoin dataset publicly available for analysis in Google BigQuery. Today we’re making the Ethereum dataset available.

Using BigQuery ML and BigQuery GIS together to predict NYC taxi trip cost

In this article, I’ll walk you through the process of building a machine learning model using BigQuery ML. As a bonus, we’ll have the chance to use BigQuery’s support for spatial functions. We’ll use the New York City taxicab dataset, with the goal of predicting taxi fare, given both pick-up and drop-off locations for each ride — imagine that we are designing a trip planner.

What's happening in BigQuery: integrated machine learning, maps, and more

In this month’s installment of What’s Happening in BigQuery, we’re sharing new features intended to make your life easier: some make BigQuery more performant and more cost effective, while others, like BigQuery ML, enable groundbreaking analysis tools in a cloud data warehouse that’s a first of its kind. First off, we just finished Next ‘18, our annual event focused on all things cloud.

Bridging the gap between data and insights

Today, we want to share a number of updates that will make data analytics easier and more accessible to all businesses. Our goal is to help you focus on data analysis instead of infrastructure management, give you the freedom to orchestrate workloads across clouds, use machine-learning in a way that's integrated with your data analytics operations, and take advantage of open source data processing innovation.

BigQuery in June: a new data type, new data import formats, and finer cost controls

This is the first installment in a monthly review of recently-released BigQuery features. While our rather active release notes do contain concise but actionable information, we’ve heard from some of our users that they’d love a little more information on these updates and what they mean in a bigger picture. This month, we present a number of practical new features, primarily focused on data types and data file formats.

Transform publicly available BigQuery data and Stackdriver logs into graph databases with Neo4j

In today’s blog post, we will give a light introduction to working with Neo4j’s query language, Cypher, as well as demonstrate how to get started with Neo4j on Google Cloud. You will learn how to quickly turn your Google BigQuery data or your Google Cloud logs into a graph data model, which you can use to reveal insights by connecting data points.

BigQuery at speed: new features help you tune your query execution for performance

BigQuery is a managed analytics service that provides advanced cloud data warehouse capabilities with a diverse set of features. One of BigQuery’s most significant differentiators is its distributed analytics engine, which transforms your SQL queries into complex execution plans, dispatching them onto our execution nodes to promptly provide insights into your data.

How to process weather satellite data in real-time in BigQuery

Since the 1960s, scientists have been forecasting the weather using satellite-captured imagery. Although access to these satellite feeds used to be reserved just for meteorologists, these days anyone can jump online to find current satellite footage for their area. But what if you wanted to take things a step further? Maybe you’re curious about the history of weather events, or want to create a real-time feed for where you live.