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4 virtual connectivity trends for social gathering and what it means for mobile app developers

While humans are ever-adapting, the recent pandemic has forced a complete revamp of how we work and play. As in-person meetings and conventions remain sparse, networking in other ways has become a new normal. Mobile app developers are applying key lessons and trends of online networking and socializing to capitalize on increasing global demand for virtual connectivity.

Real device testing best practices [webinar]

The device landscape is as vast as it is complex. With at least 63,000 possible device profiles reported—a number growing at almost 20% per year—the scale of device fragmentation is staggering. New models, operating systems, browsers, screen resolutions, etc., make it extremely difficult for web and app developers to deliver a consistently flawless user experience across all combinations.

What your test management platform is missing (plus how to fix it)

Your test management platform allows you to create test cases and assign them to testers. It makes it easy to analyze your results. But it doesn’t help you manage all of your testing resources in one place, and that’s a huge problem. In today’s world of online, remote work and the rise of the gig economy, distributed testing is not only widespread—but it also provides countless benefits to product and engineering teams (including faster releases).

The benefits of collective testing

Unless someone at your organization has built internal QA software, your in-house testers and your external testing resources are not testing under the same platform. We know, because no collective testing software exists, until now that is. We’ve enabled groundbreaking collective testing capabilities under our test management platform to keep your testing under one roof. But what does this really mean? And why should you—as a QA manager, dev team leader, or DevOps manager—care?

Testlio 3.1 Delivers Groundbreaking Collective Testing Capabilities

Client employees and Testlio freelancers test together for exceptional QA results November 11, 2020. Austin, TX and Tallinn, Estonia. Today, Testlio, the originator of networked testing, announced the availability of version 3.1 of its testing management platform.