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The API Mandate: How a mythical memo from Jeff Bezos changed software forever

You would think in the Internet age, primary sources for a widely discussed event — one that’s helped define cloud computing and today’s cascading digital transformation of enterprises — would be easy to track down. The original footprint must be somewhere. But that’s not so in the case of the arresting “API Mandate,” perhaps better thought of now as the API Mandate or API-First Mandate.

API monetization: Technical best practices

Jason Cumberland, CPO and co-founder of API and data monetization platform HyperCurrent, contributed to this post. In our last article on how to get started with API monetization, we laid out how to build your API monetization strategy and avoid common pitfalls that occur when trying to get to your first minimum viable product release.

Kong Inc. supports the newly announced Envoy Gateway project to reduce fragmentation in the Envoy ecosystem

Today, the Envoy community has introduced Envoy Gateway, a new project to better support Kubernetes deployments via the new Kubernetes Gateway API, which is the next generation Ingress specification in Kubernetes world. Kong has been deeply invested in the success of Envoy since we started developing Kuma in 2019 – now used in Kong Mesh (built on top of Kuma).

API monetization: How to get started

One of the most common questions we’re asked by prospective customers is “what’s the right way to get started with API monetization?” In this article, we’ll do our best to lay out what we’ve seen work most frequently — and call out a few common pitfalls as well. What we can say with certainty is that, “Build it and they will come,” doesn’t work as an API monetization strategy.

Kong and AWS partnership facilitates Open Banking

Open Banking is a key digital transformation initiative in many countries. Its aim is to provide end users with more control of their financial data and to enable companies involved in banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) to quickly offer new services. The Kong-AWS partnership provides the right technology enabling these financial institutions to transform and meet the key requirements of Open Banking.

Modernizing the Future of Finance: A Kong-versation With Finastra

Finastra has ambitious goals – to open up the world of finance. As Joey White, SVP of technology for Finastra, says, “The future of finance is open. All of the currently closed systems within banking will need to open to serve a digital future.” To him, open means understanding what you don’t know, specifically, the particular modality of use and that change is the only constant.

Kong vs. Apigee: Turn Your Customers Into Evangelists

Exceptional customer experience is vital to building a successful business. A recent report from Forrester Research shows customer-obsessed companies reporting 2.5x higher revenue growth and 2.2x better customer retention. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) play a key role in providing customers with stellar digital experiences.

Digital Innovation and World-Class CX Start With Developer Empowerment

This is Part 1 of a three-part blog series that will dive into industry insights from technology leaders who are facing the next wave of digital innovation head-on. Today, we meet again at the cusp of the next frontier. This time, it’s Web3, the metaverse and boundless connectivity. Businesses everywhere are bracing for what’s next while preparing for the onslaught of new-wave digital experiences.