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21 Essential QA Statistics For DevOps

In the fast-paced world of software development, quality assurance (QA) and DevOps are crucial for delivering reliable and high-performing applications. This article covers 21 essential QA statistics highlighting the importance of DevOps testing. The software testing industry now exceeds $45 billion, reflecting its critical role. Key trends include continuous testing, automation, and advanced tools. These statistics showcase the practices that enhance software development.

Traffic-Driven Testing: All the Benefits of Shift-Right Testing with None of the Risk

The shift-right testing approach moves testing to later in your production cycle. Also known as “testing in production,” with shift-right, you test software after it has been deployed. It gives you continuous feedback based on real-world user interactions. However, there are major drawbacks to the approach. For example, testing in production risks disrupting your user satisfaction and can mean you catch issues too late to respond to them effectively.

How Speedscale's Traffic Viewer Complements Your Production Monitoring System

Speedscale's Traffic Viewer is the perfect complement to your production monitoring or observability system because it provides detailed information (like request and response payloads, headers, cookies, and more) that actually helps developers debug any issues and requires zero developer intervention--all of the data is provided from traffic.

Enabling DevOps with Test Automation

DORA’s 2023 State of DevOps report affirms that 84% of the surveyed organizations use at least one DevOps practice in their development workflows, and the most common integration for 80% of the companies was the CI/CD pipeline. Further, Gartner’s recent survey reported that industrial cloud platforms will emerge as a business necessity for around 50% of organizations by 2028.

Understanding the difference between Virtual Users and Requests Per Second (RPS)

Hey there! If you’ve ever been curious about performance testing, you’ve probably come across the terms “Virtual Users” and “Requests Per Second (RPS)”. They might sound a bit technical, but they’re super important for ensuring your website or application runs smoothly, especially under heavy traffic. In this article, we’re going to break down what these terms mean, how they differ, and why they’re essential.