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Down the Rabbit Hole: Uncovering the Reasons Behind a Mysterious Performance Regression

At Kong, we take the robustness and performance of our gateway product seriously, dedicating ourselves to maintaining high standards through a robust internal benchmark framework and infrastructure. Our setup includes a dedicated bare metal cluster for running performance tests, seamlessly integrated into our CI/CD process. Moreover, we conduct extensive performance testing for each major, minor, and patch release candidate.

Keeping Your APIs Safe: Best Practices for Top-Notch Security

Application programming interfaces (APIs) are everywhere, and they play a role in running nearly everything in our digital-centric lives. Each time we launch a web page or an app on our phone, dozens of API calls are happening in the background to render an experience heavily customized to you. Increasingly, even the everyday items in your home are talking to APIs — from smart speakers like Amazon Echo to appliances, electricity meters, and lightbulbs.

How to Manage Your Kubernetes Services with an API Gateway

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers into logical units for easy management and discovery. API gateways sit between clients and microservices. They act as a reverse proxy to accept all API calls, then route and transform requests to appropriate microservice.

Kubernetes Operators vs HELM: Package Management Comparison

While Kubernetes has become the standard platform for container orchestration, managing complex application lifecycles can still be a challenge. That's where Kubernetes Operators and Helm Charts come in. This guide dives into both of these tools to explain what they do, how they're different, and their ideal use cases. Whether you're new to Kubernetes or seeking clarity – this article is here to help!

Enabling Secure Data Exchange with Decentralized APIs

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before, but there’s a lot of data out there — and the amount is only growing. Estimates typically show persistent data growth roughly at a 20% annual compounded rate. Capturing, storing, analyzing, and actioning data is at the core of digital applications, and it’s critical for both the day-to-day operations and detecting trends, for reporting, forecasting, and planning purposes.

Introducing the World's First OSS Production-Grade Gateway API Operator

Today’s the day you’ve all been waiting for: Kong Gateway Operator OSS is here. You can read the code and see what a production-grade Kubernetes operator looks like. Authored by multiple Gateway API contributors, Kong Gateway Operator is the de-facto reference for Gateway API implementers on Kubernetes. Kong Gateway Operator (KGO) 1.2 brings six new features plus a brand new Helm chart that allows you to deploy KGO using tools that you already know and love.

Enhancing APIOps with decK for Kong Ingress Controller Users

The latest release of decK's APIOps features with the Kong Ingress Controller advances API management and automation in Kubernetes environments. This blog post delves into how this integration streamlines operations, ensuring a more feature-rich API lifecycle management.

Unpacking Distributed Applications: What Are They? And How Do They Work?

Distributed architectures have become an integral part of modern digital landscape. With the proliferation of cloud computing, big data, and highly available systems, traditional monolithic architectures have given way to more distributed, scalable, and resilient designs. In this blog, we look at what makes an application distributed and how distributed applications work to bring about high availability, scalability, and resilience.

Sending Traffic Across Namespaces with Gateway API

In this blog post, we’ll demonstrate how easy it is to use Gateway API HTTPRoutes to route traffic to workloads deployed in different namespaces in a single Kubernetes cluster — a process that’s easier than ever. Previously, we only had Ingress API to define ingress routing rules. It served us well, but it also had its flaws and limitations that we had to overcome, sometimes in a hacky way.