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Best Kong Alternatives for 2024

As companies strive to differentiate themselves through speed and agility, a well-planned API strategy becomes crucial. However, as demands and customer needs evolve, an API catalogue can quickly become overwhelming. While Kong is a popular tool for organizing API development and management, there are Kong alternatives to consider that may better fit your specific needs. Here’s the key things to know about Kong and the best Kong Alternatives for 2024: Table of Contents.

First vs. Third-Party APIs

APIs are everywhere, and as a developer, understanding how to implement them is imperative. The goal of APIs is to make life easier and more efficient — both for the developer and the end-user. The main difference between first-party APIs are created and used within an organization’s own systems, while third-party APIs are developed externally and integrated into other applications for added functionality.

The Director of Data & Data Integration: Synergy in Leadership

Have you ever wondered how a Director of Data can transform vast amounts of diverse information into strategic goldmines? Data integration stands as the cornerstone for these leaders, serving as the foundation for informed decision-making and strategic leadership. It's more than a technical function; it's a multifaceted tool that not only sharpens data quality and drives innovation but also fosters a culture of collaboration and risk management across your organization.

The Illusion of Control: Why In-House Platforms Can Undermine Your Business Strategy

In the rapidly evolving tech landscape, the promise of control reigns supreme. And, it’s why founders, CEOs, and technical decision-makers are increasingly drawn to the idea of building in-house platforms. The appeal is understandable: complete sovereignty over every layer of the tech stack, from the user interface down to the most granular data interactions. It's an intoxicating vision that promises a bespoke solution tailored precisely to a company's unique needs.

Web Development Vs App Development

Although both the worlds of web development and app development meet the same goal i.e. spreading awareness and utility of the business, they are quite fundamentally different from each other. Web development is establishing and maintaining an organization’s online existence through websites, whereas, app development is all about creating and maintaining convenient mobile apps for the business! To delve a bit deeper into the insights between web development vs app development, let’s explore!

Mastering Payments: The Role and Impact of Payment Orchestration in the Digital Era

By the term “orchestration,” the first thing that comes to mind is the systematical or automated coordination and management of different components to achieve a particular goal. So, if you think of payment orchestration, it will mean coordinating and managing different payment services, payment methods, payment service providers, payment gateways, payment processors, and payment networks in a systematic and automated way to process payments smoothly, efficiently, and securely.

What is the need of eCommerce and Why is it Important?

Are you curious about the future of eCommerce websites and what it holds for your business? Do you often feel the need of ecommerce website and parallelly think that investing in an eCommerce website wastes resources due to the competitive digital landscape? Or is handling an offline store more convenient than handling it online? We agree that these are some of the questions that usually come to your mind when you think of introducing your brick-and-mortar business into a digital space.

Pushing the Boundaries of OAuth and OIDC Security - Push Authorization Request (PAR)

In the world of API security, OAuth 2.0 plays a crucial role in authorization. OpenID Connect (OIDC) works seamlessly with OAuth 2.0, providing an identity layer that ensures standardized authentication and user information for applications. Among various grant types, the Authorization Code stands out as a recommended standard. It's known for its advanced security features, support for refresh tokens, reduced exposure of credentials, and adaptability for both server-side and front-end applications.