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Typespecs and Behaviours in Elixir

Today, we will dive into Typespecs and Behaviours. These are two Elixir features that we are ecstatic (pun intended) about. They are great examples of built-in features in Elixir that help get some of the advantages of statically typed code. Alright, let’s set the scene. Elixir is a dynamically typed language. This means that the type of each variable is not checked at compile-time, but rather at run-time. Like most things, this comes with advantages and disadvantages.

Conditional breakpoints: How to Debug iOS and Android apps from Zero (Part 2)

Conditional Breakpoints and their variants, Exception and Symbolic Breakpoints are powerful tools for advanced debugging, applicable to both iOS and Android. We’ll explore them in this article. In the first post of our How to Debug from Zero series we learnt the basics of breakpoints. At this point, you should know how to add a new breakpoint and how to use the “step over”, “step in” and “step out” commands.

Updates from Bugfender Q2, 2019

Welcome to the Bugfender summer newsletter. Over the past few months you may noticed a few improvements to Bugfender’s web app, if not, we’ve summarised them here and you should go and check them out. The machine learning algorithm, which solves problems without requiring detailed instructions, is one of the most exciting technologies on the planet.

Reactive X: RxJava Data Flows: Observable, Flowable, Single, Maybe and Completable

Reactive programming is a programming technique for asynchronous applications that lets you structure your code based on “reaction” to data input changes instead of an imperative programming style where you have to poll or block and wait for changes to happen. If you’re not 100% familiar with ReactiveX (RxJava being the implementation for the JVM), perhaps you know Java Stream, which is a similar concept introduced in Java 8.

A New and Improved Application History

Tideways history functionality is still mostly based on the features available 4 years ago, before we introduced Services and Environments, Downstream Layers and many others. Time for a redesign of the history to include support for all the features and data that are available now. By using the UI elements from the performance overview our we also introduce a familiar look and feel, where the previous history screen used its own widgets.

Use Tideways for applications of all sizes with the new Flex plan

The PHP community is large and diverse in their approach to build and run PHP applications. We have seen hundreds of small applications running on a handful of servers and one product running on multiple clusters and hundreds of servers across the globe. Still, we believe all PHP applications regardless of size benefit from monitoring, profiling and exception tracking functionality.

How to Gather Data for Machine Learning

Unless you’ve been living in a cave these last few months (a cave that somehow carries sufficient WiFi coverage to reach our blog), you’ll doubtless have heard about machine learning. If you’re a developer, chances are you’re intrigued. The machine learning algorithm, which solves problems without requiring detailed instructions, is one of the most exciting technologies on the planet.

Firebase Crashlytics and Bugfender: a Step-by-Step Integration Guide

Ever since we started logging with Bugfender back in 2015, we’ve been working towards integration with Firebase, the app development platform created by Google. Firebase is famous for the breadth of its integration libraries and millions of people use the product around the world, drawn to its sleek UI and range of features.