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Measuring Time Required To Complete A Step Of Your Test

Loadero supports three feature-rich test frameworks: Javascript + Nightwatch Java + TestUI, Python + Py-TestUI, but to expand the functionality further, we also develop custom commands for more insightful performance and load testing. One of the recent additions to the custom commands to use in your Loadero test scripts is the timeExecution() command.

How Load Testing and Mocks Work Together

If you’ve worked with load testing before, you know that there are a lot of things to consider. Whether or not you should combine load testing and mocks is one of those considerations. Getting to the answer requires knowledge of your infrastructure and your development procedures, which will all influence what questions you need to ask yourself.

What's New In Loadero (November 2022)

Recent months were very busy for our team and some exciting new releases are coming soon. Meanwhile, in this post, we’re sharing updates to Loadero that took place in November 2022. There are some updates to our API, to the way Loadero works with test run artifacts in the results reports, new browser versions, and the Loadero Python client that we were developing for quite a long time and finally are happy to offer to our users along with examples of using it for storing test data in Github.

Using Loadero Python Client To Store Test Data In GitHub

Loadero API allows managing and running tests just as one would via the Loadero web application. However, sending an HTTP request every time a test needs to be created, updated, or run can become cumbersome. We already had a Java client, which makes the processes easier, and now Loadero team has been hard at work creating a new client and we are proud to present – Loadero-Python.

How to Lint K6 Tests and add a pre-commit hook - Stuart Thomas

I’m a big fan of K6, it makes writing performance tests quick and easy. In fact I wrote about it previously on my blog in a post titled Performance testing APIs in pipelines? K6 makes it simple! What I didn’t mention in that post was how to lint K6. Now you might be thinking, K6 tests are written in JavaScript, how hard can it be to lint? The problem is that although we write K6 tests in JavaScript, K6 itself is written in GoLang, an so we run into issues with Linting when importing K6.

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How to Create K6 Load Tests from API Recordings

Load testing is one of the most common ways to test the resiliency of your applications. In this blog we show how recording production data with Speedscale and exporting to a K6 load tests gives you the best of both worlds. Whether or not it's important for your organization, there are clear benefits to be had from implementing these types of tests. By doing so, you can: When it comes to load testing, two of the most modern tools are Speedscale and K6. While there are many reasons for choosing one over the other, there are also benefits to using them together. If you want to know what the main differences are, check out the in-depth comparison.

Optimizing Your Kubernetes Load Testing with Speedscale

One of the major factors that come into play when deciding on a load testing tool is whether it can perform as you expect it to. There are many ways to measure how well a load testing tool performs, with the amount of requests per second undoubtedly being one of the main ways. Speedscale creates load tests from recorded traffic, so generating load is at the core of the tool.